Double Edge

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When I felt as if the world had suddenly collapsed. Dr. Monis had stormed into the hotel and sought to save Nashi from her current state.

"This will do." Dr. Monis lastly, stuck a syringe into Nashi's arm and pulled it out once she was all set.

"This will make her stable for now."

"Thank you.." I sighed in relief. "I didn't know what to do. That gave me a scare."

"It's good that you called me right away." She started to pack up her things.

"So, what happened?" I asked.

Dr. Monis continued to zip up her bag and tilt her head and thought it over.

"Nashi is a special case. Some information can't just be given out."

"Please." I begged, "if this were to happen again. I wouldn't know what to do."

I was able to persuade her eventually as even Dr. Monis herself had pity.

"A little birdie once told me that Nashi is a gifted child. Well more like an immense birdie with razor sharp teeth." She went off track. "Anyway, if you what to know the truth. Just ask her yourself when she wakes up."

As she opened the front door, she halted.

"Oh yeah. When she wakes up, give her whatever is in this box." Dr. Monis kicked a brown sealed box over to me and gleamed. "Make sure she only eats whatever is in here and nothing else. See yah kido." She vanished.

At the same time. Nashi had woken up.

"Nashi!" I rushed over and get complexion had seem to increased get better.

"Are you alright? Tired?"

"I guess I do have a headache. But." She glanced around and saw her straw bag. "Can you give me my bag? I'm kinda hungry."

Remember what Dr. Monis said Cody? Only the things that are in the box that she had given you.

When I tore the tape off and opened the flaps. There was scraps of metal, electric conductors, spring water, and so many more things.
Does she expect Nashi to eat these?!

"Hurry Cody." Nashi grew impatient.

"Just take this."

My hands forcibly shoved a metal bar down her throat. I know that I'm going to get killed.
She started to gag and cough. Instantly and violently, Nashi grabbed my collar.

"What the hell?!" She shouted into my face.

"You're hungry aren't you?" I slightly laughed. "Iron is an essential to a balance diet."

"E-excuse me?"

"I was instructed to feed only these things." I pointed at the box. Nashi looked into it and not much a questioning expression shown upon her face.

"How much do you know?" Nashi her back against the bed.

"Just enough to know that you have a weird diet." I shrugged. "I want you to be able to rely on me."

"It's best if we don't get too accustom to each other." Nashi directed her eyes away from me.

Nashi just doesn't know the emotions she had just put me through. I never thought that such matters would sway my what so easily.

"You don't have to worry about me."
That wasn't the case.

"If you were to get hurt... I wouldn't know what to do. It's lonely without you." I confessed. "Please rely on me."

Nashi blushed. Though tears had simmered down her cheeks at the same time. Like a window that had shattered during a rain storm.

"Can you tell me what it is and what you actually are." I know I shouldn't being poking my nose into private matters.

"That's whether or not I can trust you. I haven't told my dad about it. Not anyone."

I held Nashi's hand.

"I won't betray your trust." I promised.

"Well I don't know where to start." Nashi opened up and allowed me to share the burden.

"You know of the existence of dragons?" Nashi asked. "Well, I've meet them recently."

"W-wait hold it. What?"

"You don't have to believe me." Nashi started chewing away at the metal.

"No, sorry. Go on."

"Long story short. I'm not like any other dragon slayers. As you probably have seen from my magic."
I nodded my head.

"Is there a reason?" I questioned.

"I'm not actually sure. I feel like it's my calling. This power that will help me get the truth I need." Nashi dropped her hands. "However, I feel out of place."

She added and placed her arm over her eyes to hide them. "I want to be able to walk the same path as everyone together. But it seems that I've been walking in another direction."

"Your delusional." Cody replied. "Who said walking another path was wrong? It's okay to walk different paths then others. Don't be a sheep and follow the crowd."

"But it's just that-"

"I'll follow you. If your scared to walk the other path, I'll join you. So you won't be alone."

I took my hands and brushed Nashi's hair to the side and pulled down her hands from her face.
I gleamed and meant every word that I had spewed. She just needs to be loved as well.

Nashi: The Gifted Dragon Slayer Where stories live. Discover now