Chapter 23

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Emma's P.O.V

Justin took me home and now it was around 3:00. My mom should be home by now. I opened the front door and walked inside. "I'm home!" I said in a singsong voice. "Well I see someone's mood has changed." My mom said coming into the foyer. After seeing the magazine cover this morning, I was ready to cry, but after spending the day with Justin my mood must've brightened right up. "Well, you know, leaving school early and having no one tease you about your relationship is a pretty good day." I said smiling. She smiled back and walked into the living room. I followed. "So, um, I'm going to Justin's concert tonight. Is that okay?" I said. I'm pretty sure she will be okay with it but it doesn't hurt to ask. "Really?" She asked surprised. "Yeah that's fine, honey."

"And I might be singing with him." I said. My mother looked at me with a really surprised look.

"Have you ever tried singing before?" 

"Well I went with Justin to the studio today and he convinced me to sing something. So I did and I  sounded really good."

"That's amazing!" She said pulling me into a hug. "But what are you going to wear? You certainly can't wear that." She said looking at my ripped jeans and American Eagle T-shirt. "I'll find something." I said heading upstairs. My phone was vibrating in my pocket once I reached my room. I pulled out my phone and answered. "Hey." I said. "Hi. So, Emma, you'll never guess what I'm about to tell you." Justin said. "What?"I asked. I knew exactly what he was talking about but I'll let him tell me himself. "You're going to  preform tonight!."

"Really?!" I said excitedly. Yup, Just what I thought he was going to say.

"Yeah. You're going to sing "Mean" by yourself and "U Smile" With me."

"Wow. I just can't believe it."

"I know, but it's true!" He said laughing. Then a thought came to mind.

"Oh, Justin, What should I wear?"

"Something nice but not too nice. Oh! Wear that dress you wore the day we met." He said. It took me a while to figure out what dress he was talking about. Brianna's purple dress. I still have that hanging in my closet. And to the shoes too. "I'll be sure to wear that." I said. "Well I'll see you around five." Justin told me. "See ya. Bye." I said and hung up It was ten to four o'clock now. That doesn't give me much time does it?

I took a quick shower and put on the dress. I straightened my hair and used a glittery clip to keep my hair out of my face. I did my make-up and then put on the black heels. The first time I put on this dress, I thought that I would never wear it again. But here I am now, I'm going to wear this dress onstage in front of thousands of people. This will be a night that I will never forget. 

After I came out of my deep thoughts, I glanced at the clock. Crap! Justin's going to be here any second. I went as quickly as I could down the stairs in these heels. I saw a car pull into the driveway. Justin. "Bye Mom!" I yelled and went out the front door. Justin was waiting in his car. I hopped into his car and gave him a smile. "You look beautiful." He said. "Thanks." I said blushing a little. There was a good five minutes of silence and it was driving me crazy. What should I say? Should I laugh for no reason? No, Emma, that would be stupid. "We'll probably get there around five thirty so if you want to practice a little bit you can." Justin said. "Okay, thanks." I said. "I can tell you're nervous." He said. Was it that easy to tell? "Well, yeah, I mean, why wouldn't I be? Singing in front of thousands of people is nerve racking." I  said. "At first it seems like that, but once you start singing you won't be nervous anymore. Believe me."

"I do, but let's see how long that lasts."

~Five minutes until show time~

My palms were sweating so much. I am so nervous. "Okay. I'm going to announce your name and what you're singing and then you're going to walk onstage right over there." Justin said pointing to a hallway to the right. "Got it." I said my voice shaky. "It's going to be okay." He said and kissed me. "Thirty seconds." Someone said. We pulled away and Justin said "You'll be amazing." And walked away. I was handed a microphone and lead down the hallway where Justin said to go. Justin was already out onstage saying things to the thousands of fans out there. Then I heard my name. He said the  song title and I walked out onto the stage. "Hi everyone!" I said. Wow I just said something and i was smiling! Well it was fake but it looked real. Suddenly the song started and I started singing. Then a real smile came across my face.

~After Singing~

"Ohmygod! i can't believe I just did that!" I screamed to whoever was listening. Justin was onstage asking the crowd if they like me. Awwww! How sweet is he?? haha. An hour went by while Justin was singing onstage. Which meant I was going back onstage singing with Justin in a matter of minutes. When I go out there this time I'll be confident and less nervous. But, yeah, still nervous. "You guys want to hear "U Smile"?!" I heard Justin say to the crowd. That was my cue. I walked out onstage and waved. "And guess who's back!" Justin said gesturing over to me. The song started and every little worry went away. I felt more confident singing with Justin. I still can't believe I'm doing this.


Sry bout the picture. It was the best I could do. But that's what her dress looks like!!!  >>>>

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