Chapter 27

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Emma's P.O.V. 

~Saturday (Justin Leaves)~

"Justin?" I asked while playing with the tan rug in my living room. "Hm?" Justin answered. "You're going to think this is a stupid question but I'm curious. What happens to your car when you leave?" Well what does happen to it? He can't just leave it here. Right? "Um, it's actually a rental car." He said staring at the floor. I looked at him with a surprised expression"So, Bieber. You're telling me that all our moment in that car are lost because it's not your car?" He stared at me confused. "Well I wouldn't put it that way." I smiled and shook my head and looked back to where i had been playing with the pieces of the carpet. "So you promise nothing will happen this month when you're gone?"


"But what if-" he cut me off.

"I promise." Justin said smiling slightly

"Well, I'm taking my drivers test this month, so maybe when I see you next, I can take the wheel."

"How about you drive me to the airport?" he said standing up.

"Really?" i asked standing up also.

"Well yeah. I need to get the car back." I playfully punched him in the arm for bringing up the whole car thing again. He laughed and pulled me in for a big hug.


Orlando Airport is about an hour and a half away from here. At first I wasn't comfortable with driving for that long, but then Justin talked me into it. So here we are a half hour into the car ride. We've been blasting music and singing to every song that came on. Huh, I guess this memory will be lost too.

I looked at Justin for a quick second and turned the radio down. "What?" He asked. "Nothing. Just this is my first time driving this far and I'm kinda nervous." I said keeping my eyes on the road. "Okay. But can we turn it up a little louder? Pleeeaaassseee?" Justin asked with pleading eyes. "Fine, fine." i said laughing. Just then Justin's song "Baby" came on. He seemed a little uncomfortable at first. It must be weird hearing your voice on the radio. I started singing along and Justin soon later joined in. While singing, I realized I would miss all these fun moments with Justin. No one has ever made me feel happier. I wonder what it's going to be like without Justin. But it's only going to be a month where I don't see him. It can't be that bad. I couldn't help but think I hope you can keep your promise, Justin. 


i stared out of the large window that gave a view of planes landing and taking off. Any second I felt like tears were going to fall down my cheeks. But I know if I don't talk, I won't have that problem. "Flight 698 to New York is now boarding." I looked at Justin who was sitting next to me. We both stood up and I hugged him. "Bye, Justin." I said. Justin pulled away so he could see me. "Bye. I'll miss you." "Miss you too." I said. I gave him one more hug and then he walked away with his crew giving a slight wave. i waved back and just stood where I was. After fifteen minutes, the plane took off and I was now alone. I ran my hands through my hair as I turned around. I walked about five feet until i remembered that I had no way of getting home. Stupid rental car! Smart thinking, Bieber I thought to myself.

I walked outside to the sidewalk. I could take the bus to somewhere closer to home and have someone pick me up there. Shit, I didn't bring any money with me. I searched my bag for any extra change but found nothing. I guess someone will just have to pick me up here. I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and dialed Sean's number. I knew he would come and get me. I mean, he came to my house to see if I was okay, so I think he'll come get me. I laughed quietly to myself while waiting for Sean to answer. "Hello?" I heard a girl's voice say. 

"Um, Hi. It's Emma. Is, um, Sean there?"

"Yeah hold on." She told me. Who was that? Didn't sound like anyone I know.

"Emma?" I heard Sean say.

"Are you busy?" I asked.

"Well, er, kinda. What do you want?"

"I'm at the airport and I have no way of getting home."

"You're gonna have to wait an extra half hour then because I'm at a restaurant."

"Okay, that's fine. I can wait two hours." I said annoyed.

"Sorry, but that's the best I can do."

"No, It's fine. Just hurry up."

"Got it."

"Alright." After that I hung up. What do I do here for two hours without any money? I guess I'll go sit in the little cafe and try and search for a dollar to by a coffee.


~2 Hours Later~

I walked back outside looking for Sean, with no coffee :(. I spotted Sean leaning against his car five minutes later. "Hey." I said "Thanks for coming. Sorry you had to cut dinner short."

"It's okay. I wasn't enjoying myself anyway." I just nodded not knowing what to say. He opened the passenger side door for me. "Thanks." I said stepping inside his pickup truck. He jogged around to open his own door. After he closed the door, he started the car and we were off. "So how did you get here if you couldn't got back home?" Sean asked. The sun was starting to fall behind the clouds and the moon was rising. "Well Justin had a rental car he needed to take back and I came with him. It wasn't a very well thought out plan." I laughed a little. "Doesn't sound like it." Sean said laughing also. "Is it okay if I turn the radio on?" he asked. "i don't mind." I said. 

We were now turning onto my street. I was resting my head on the window, maybe a few tears managed to escape but Sean didn't see a thing. Even with the radio as loud as it was, Sean didn't sing at all, so I didn't sing either. Ever since Sean had asked me to go out with him, things have been really awkward between us. How can it not be? I said no. I admit I do feel bad about it but, I didn't know what was going on with Justin and I at the time. "Okay, Em. That will be 50 dollars." Sean said breaking me away from my thoughts. I rolled my eyes and jumped out of the car. "Thanks again." I said. "No problem." He said smiling. 

It was a cold night so I ran inside to the warm house. "Hi mom!" I yelled so she could here me. "Hi Sweetie! i'm in my room!" She yelled. I ran up the stairs and into the master bedroom. "Hi honey, how was it?"

"Really hard to say goodbye." I said

"I'm pretty sure he'll call when he lands. No matter how late."

"Yeah." I said giving my mom a hug. Ohmygosh! I forgot to ask about going on tour with Justin. "Hey mom?" I asked "Yes?"

"Well, Justin asked me to go on tour with him. It won't be for too long because the tours almost over. Please mom? I really want to go."

"Let me think about it."

"But mom! This could be a once in a lifetime opportunity and i can see Justin next month."

"Okay fine. But I won't be able to come with you, will I?" Don't get me wrong, I wanted my mom to come but one half of me said I should do this on my own until I know what I'm going to do with my future. I gave my mom a shy smile. She knew exactly what I meant. "Okay, but you have to call me every night." She said. "I will. Thank you soooo much." I said pulling her into a bear hug. This summer could not get any better.

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