Chapter 40

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Justin's P.O.V.

    Tonight has so far been the worst show of my life. I'm forgetting dance moves, words to songs i've been singing for how many years now? I knew the second I stepped off this stage I would be drowned in questions. "What's happening out there, Justin?!" I could hear it now. And I will never stop hearing about it. Next thing you know there will be videos of this show on YouTube, articles on the internet, in magazines!

     But that's the least of my problems right now. Both Emma and Selena are mad at me, and i can't blame them! I feel really bad about what I did. I didn't realize that having her be my old best friend would hurt her. Now that I know it did, I keep looking over the idea and regretting it. Seeing exactly where I went wrong. But when i think of that, it leads me to Emma. I remember everything great about our relationship but then those thoughts end when the ones of how much I hurt her flood into my mind. 

     And before about what Selena said, "So you're the one she was talking about." Emma was talking to Selena about me? What was she saying? Probably that I'm a jerk. Gosh, I need to fix this. 

     "Justin.." I heard far in the backroud. I ignore it. "Justin" I heard a again a little louder. I ignore it. Now back to what I was saying before. How am i going to fix this? I think I have to break up with Selena, but... I love her. But I also love E-- "Justin!" Now the voice was yelling. I ignore it. Not only to I love Selena, I love E-- "JUSTIN!" 

     The voice was coming from my ear piece. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up. I was still onstage. Dancers still dancing and the music to Take You blaring. And I'm just standing in the middle of the stage frozen. I stuttered trying to figure out what part of the song I was supposed to be at. I thought I had it at one point but then my voice faded. The music stopped as they figured out I couldn't do this and i was left staring at a bunch of disappointed fans. I stood there for what seemed like hours. "i.. I'm sorry" I stuttered before walking off stage.

     I ran to my dressing room while everyone was yelling my name, trying to get me to talk. To see what was wrong. I got into my dressing room and slammed the door and felt my body collapse on the couch, my face falling into a pillow. That's when a heard a soft knock on the door. In my mind, I imagined it would be Emma. I would apologize and everything would be okay, even though I knew that wouldn't happen. Well one, an apology wouldn't cut it and two, it's not Emma at the door. 

     Someone knocked again. I groaned and pulled my body up from the couch. I held in my tears as i opened the door. Selena was standing there, looking at me and I looked at her. She said nothing and neither did I. She knew what was wrong and I bet she was questioning if I ever loved her. Which I did but now I'm just confused. Don't get me wrong, there will always be a place in my heart for Selena. I just, I love Emma too. But more than Selena? See that's the question I'm left with and I feel like a terrible person thinking about it. I would break Selena's heart. But if I didn't break up with her, I would become more distant from Emma. My problem with Emma is that I had already broken her heart.

    Selena looked down, not wanting to look at my face. "Are you okay?" she asked quietly. I looked at her still even though she wasn't looking at me. I said nothing. The answer was clear. I wasn't okay. We stood there in silence for a while before she said, "Justin, I know you still love her," She looked at me. I again said nothing. She continued. "She still loves you too. I guess it wasn't meant to be for us," Tears started to form in her eyes. "Selena, I-" She cut me off before I could say anything. "I know it's true and so do you. It's okay. I love you and I always will and I don't know if you feel the same but I don't want to know," She paused and looked at me. "Goodbye Justin," And with that she walked away.

     I'm not sure what I'm feeling. It might be a mixture of everything, but for one thing I knew I was upset. I walked back to the couch not bothering to close the door. I collapsed and I just broke down. Yes, I was crying. Who the hell cares?! So what, make fun of me I don't care. I know some won't judge me at all and I thank you. But I can't controll this. I feel torn apart and broken, and those are feelings I hate and never wanted to experience. But here I am, crying out all of my memories but none of them are being erased.

     "Justin?" I heard my mom's voice from the doorway. I didn't move. She came over and sat on the couch putting her hand on my back. "Justin you have to go back out sweetie," she said. I couldn't! I would make an even bigger fool of myself. I turned myself over so I could see her. "I can't," I sniffed. "I'm sorry," she said trying to comfort me. "Are you done for today?" She asked. I nodded my head. There was silence for a moment but she never left. "Do you want to talk?" she asked. "Not really," I replied, my voice shaky from crying. "Okay. I'm going to tell Scooter, okay?" she stood up. I nodded and she walked out of the room.

Emma's P.O.V.

    I was back at the hotel packing my stuff. Had Justin even seen what he did wrong? Am i overreacting? Maybe I am... But do I forgive him? No. I have to go home. I have to just forget about this and go back to my life as normal. 

        After packing and then packing my suitcase many times, I decided I would stay. I can't run away from my problems and I can't leave Justin with any. I layed down on the bed and waited for Selena to come back, even though I knew that wouldn't be for a while because she was at the concert. Her and Justin probably making out backstage. I shivered at the thought. Just then Selena walked in the door, eyes red and puffy.

         I sat up and looked at her. "Sel..? Everything okay?" I asked while she sat down. "Yeah I guess," she replied, "Justin and I broke up." I looked at her not believing what I was hearing. They broke up? But why?! They were perfect when I last saw them. It was a good thing for me, but bad for them. Knowing Justin, he's probably really upset. "Oh I'm so sorry," I hugged her. She hugged me back and then sighed. She looked at me, "Emma, he loves you," she gave a weak smile, "And I know you love him too. I know you miss him, so go talk to him!" I looked at her not knowing what to say. Was she right about Justin's feelings? I knew she was right about mine for once. I know now that I love him and I know that for sure. "But Selena-" She cut me off before I could continue. "Emma go! You two were made for each other!" I looked at her to make sure she was serious, and she was. "Tomorrow," I said laying down with a smile only I could see.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2012 ⏰

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