Chapter 28

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Emma's P.O.V.

"Emma." I heard. I tried to answer but nothing came out. I couldn't see and I could barely breathe. "Emma." I heard again a little louder. Someone was shaking my shoulders now. "Emma!" It was a whisper but sounded like someone screaming my name.


"Emma, wake up." I opened my eyes to see Nick standing above me. "What?" I asked sitting up and rubbing my eyes. "Would you pick up your phone already? It's been ringing for a while." Nick said. I slowly got to my feet and searched my purse for my phone. it was about one o'clock in the morning. Who calls this early? I found my phone glowing at the bottom of my bag. 3 missed calls the screen said. I pressed open and I saw that all the missed calls were from Justin. One at twelve o'clock, one at twelve forty-five, and the last at one o'clock, which was only two minutes ago. I pressed the Callback button and waved my hand so that Nick would know to leave. Nick gave a relieved expression and left quickly. "Hello?" I suddenly heard on the other line. I didn't even know he answer. "Oh, Justin, hi. You called like three times. What's up?" I asked. "What? I can't talk to you?"

"No." I said giving a little laugh. "What time did you get there?"

"Like nine-ish."

"Then why are you calling me so late?"

"Because this is the first time I've had time to call you. Been busy, ya know?"

"Oh, yeah, I totally get that." There was a few seconds of silence.

"Um, sorry about the whole car thing."

"What part of the car thing? That it was a rental car or the fact that i had no way of getting home?"

"Oh I totally forgot you didn't have a ride home. I'm really sorry. How'd you get home?"

"I had to call someone. I didn't have any money with me so I couldn't take the bus. I was there waiting for an extra two hours. But it's fine. I'm home!" I said laughing.

"Well I can't wait to see you next month."

"Same. But Justin I kinda wanna sleep right now. I want to talk to you but I'm just too tired. I'll text you later."

"Alright. Bye."


I ended the call and collapsed on my bed hugging my phone to my chest. I can't believe he actually called. No guy that I know would do that. It actually means a lot that he called. While thinking about Justin, I slowly drifted back to sleep.


 So Justin isn't here to go to the big end of the year party, which is today, Sunday. Should I not go? What will people think if I don't have a date? You know what? I'm going. How am I going to get there? Beep Beep Beep. I heard my phone from somewhere on the floor. I guess I fell asleep with it in my hands. I hopped to my feet and searched the floor.  

I finally found it under my bed and pressed Answer without looking at the caller ID. "Hello?" I asked. "Hey Emma. It's Sean." 

"Oh hey. What's up?"

"Well I was wondering if you were going to the party tonight."

"Yeah. I wouldn't miss it."

"Well, do you need a ride?" He asked. I guess I do need a ride.

"Actually, yeah, I do."

"Okay so I'll pick you up later."

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