Chapter 35

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Justin's P.O.V.

I let my head fall into my hands and shook my head. Did this really just happen? How could I let this happen. Everything was silent except for the tv in the back round. I took deep breaths and wondered why I had to say anything about the picture they showed. I lifted my head and flipped through all of my twitter mentions. Most of them were about the picture. Everyone was saying bad stuff about Emma and how she's a slut. I locked my phone and shoved it back into my pocket. I sat there quietly for the next five minutes. That's when I heard a faint whimper coming from the hall. I knew right away it was Emma. I wondered whether I should go comfort her or leave her alone. I know she doesn't want anything to do with me right now but I can't just leave her alone. Right as I was about to get up, I heard the front door shut. I suddenly became nervous and sat back down again.

Emma's P.O.V.

When the front door in front of me opened, I was relieved it was my brother who walked through the door. Luckily he was alone and not with his friends. I jumped up from the ground and ran to him and give him a big hug and started to cry into his shoulder. He was surprised at first then he wrapped his arms around me. "Are you okay?" he asked. I shook my head. "You want to talk about it?" Nick said. "Can we go upstairs?" I asked knowing Justin was probably listening. We made our way up to my bedroom. I sat down on my bed while Nick closed the door. He sat down next to me and put his arm around me. I was still crying and I wiped away my tears. "What is it?" Nick asked. I sniffled and said, "Justin and I got into this fight. Then he said we needed a break but then I lost it! I kinda told him that I loved him and then he wanted to talk but then I broke up with him. But I really do love him. At that moment I knew it was the right thing to break up with him. But now I don't know if that was right." There was a moment of silence. "Emma, I know it's hard but you'll get over him."

"I don't know, Nick. I mean, I loved him."

"I shouldn't be talking 'cause I've never been in love, but if it's really love, then everything will work out fine in the end,"

"Thanks Nick," i said smiling a little. He gave me one last hug then left the room. I sat there for a moment thinking about what just happened. Maybe a break is what we need. I hopped off my bed and leaned out my bedroom door. I listened for any noises, but all I heard was Nick's music in his room.

After a while, I built up enough courage to talk to Justin. But not as in talk about our relationship but talk as in he is a house guest to I have to make him feel comfortable. Am I right? I stood to the side of the doorway that lead to the living room. I saw Justin just sitting there staring at the television. The first time I opened my mouth no words came out. I swallowed hard and opened my mouth again. "Justin?" I asked. Still quiet but I got his attention. His head turned towards me. Nervousness was spread all across his face. "I, uh. . . um, well, since you're still our house guest I can't just leave you here. So, um where to you want to sleep?" The only reason I ask is because last night Justin slept in my room but now that we're not dating anymore that's no longer an option. "I can just stay here." He said shyly. Wow it's like we've never met. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Yes," he responded. The lights were off in the room so tv was lighting the room. "Um, do you mind if I watch this with you? I don't have anything better to do." I asked. He nodded. Justin was sitting on the far left side of the couch. I sat down on the far right. This is really awkward. And I should really turn the lights on because when Justin and I were still together, ok yeah it hurt to say that, we would always kiss with the lights off and the tv on. I know it's weird, but it's true. 

I kept glancing over to Justin to try and see if I could get any clues about what he's thinking. But every time I looked over his eyes were glued to the tv screen. The silence in the room was becoming irritating. So I stood up and said, "I'm going to get a drink. You want one?" He turned his head towards me. "Sure."

"So what do you want? we have-"

"Can I just look myself?"

I whispered "okay," to myself and Justin followed me into the kitchen. I opened the double door fridge and Justin stood next to me so he could see. I quickly grabbed a water and moved out of his way. Justin also took a water and shut the fridge. He turned around and we made eye contact for a few seconds. I averted my gaze to my water bottle and opened it. After taking a long sip, I noticed that Justin looked like he wanted to say something. I ignored it and sat on the kitchen counter. "You know, you don't have to stay in here. You seemed pretty into that show." I said and I smiled a little. "I actually want to stay in here." he said inching closer to me. "Okay. So when is your flight tomorrow morning?" I asked trying to start a conversation. "Um, I don't remember." He walked over to me and put his hands on my knees. I looked at his hands and I knew they weren't supposed to be there, but I didn't have to will to move his hands. He looked into my eyes and all I could think of was how I used to get lost in those eyes. But aren't I getting that feeling now? "Look, Emma. I'm sorry. I should have trusted you. I'm really really sorry about what I said about us needing a break."

I was speechless. I stared at his lips. The more I stared the more I wanted him to be mine again. "I already told you I forgive you." I said quietly not taking my eyes off of his lips. (A/N ok I know that sounds weird but you know what I mean! lol) "Yeah, but I want us to be okay." he said. "But Justin, we broke up like an hour ago, I'm not ready to get back together yet."

"Does that mean we will get back to together?" I saw hope in his eyes. I can't hurt him, but I have to.

"I don't know, Justin."

"So are you still coming on tour with me?"

I shook my head before I answered. "I'm sorry, but I don't think I can handle it all."

"All of the work, or being near me?"

"i don't have to answer that."

Before I had time to think, Justin's lips were on mine. At first I was surprised and then everything from our break-up was settling in. But I didn't want to pull away. He deepened the kiss and I let him. His hands were now around my waist and mine were around his neck. Emma! What are you doing?! But my mind ignored those thoughts. He pulled me closer to him which almost made me fall off the counter. Justin seemed to notice, so he slowly lowered me onto the ground. When my feet hit the cold tile floor it sent shivers through my body. I opened my eyes for one second and I saw my brother at the fridge staring at us. I pulled away and Justin stared kissing my neck. I looked at Nick. "How long have you been here?" I asked nervously and out of breath. Just at that, Justin's head shot up and he turned towards Nick. I could tell he was blushing. Nick looked at me with a look that said I told ya so! I rolled my eyes. "I got here when Bieber was lowering you to the ground." We just looked at each other for a long while. "Well, I'll leave you two alone." Nick said leaving the room. Justin turned back towards me. He leaned in to kiss me again but I put a hand on his chest. "Not now. I let you kiss me and it was wrong." I slipped out from in between Justin and the counter. When Justin kissed me it felt right. I always loved it when he kissed me. But I don't know if that will be happening again anytime soon.


Okay, kinda weird I know. But don't ya just love the brother sister moment.! Cute huh?? Idk, so why dont ya tell me! haha. I would love your feedback!!!

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