Chapter 38

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Emma's P.O.V.

     I walked out of the bathroom with my toothbrush hanging out of my mouth when I saw Selena looking through my bag. I have gotten to know her so it wasn't really that weird that she was looking at my stuff. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Oh!" she turned around quickly. "Sorry, I just wanted to see what you brought for the concert tonight," she said. She pulled out a pair of jeans and my favorite blouse and made a face that said, "No way you're wearing this." I pulled the toothbrush out of my mouth. "Come on Sel. What's wrong with it?" She laughed then looked at the clothes again. "How about finish brushing your teeth and then we'll talk about it." I laughed spitting out the toothpaste onto the floor. Oops! Selena and I both just burst out laughing. "I'll clean that up in a second." I said smiling.

     I finished getting ready and I walked back out into the room. Selena was wearing short jean shorts and a flowy tank top with a pair of simple black flip flops. I looked down at my over worn jeans. I wasn't Selena but boy did I want to be, but I could never pull off those kind of clothes. It's just not. . . me. "Okay Selena, why can't I wear that?" I asked pointing to my clothes laid out on the bed closest to the window. 

     "We are going to be special guests at a concert," she said "We need to look better than everyone else"

     "But I don't own like a dress or anything." I said. Well it's true! She smiled and looked at me. 

     "On that note. . . After we meet Justin for breakfast, we are going shopping." She grabbed my arm and we walked out of the hotel room to go to breakfast.

~Down in the lobby~

    "Hey guys." Justin said as Selena and I walked into the lobby. Selena left my side and went next to Justin while he put his arm around her. I looked at the ground so they wouldn't see my face. I still love Justin. More so now because I've seen him. But that's a secret only for me because I have to be Justin's old friend from when he was a kid. I wish he understood how much that hurt me. 

     "So where to you guys wanna go to eat?" Justin asked bringing me out of my thoughts. I kept quiet and waited for the conversation to go on. "How about we figure that out in the car." Selena said looking at Justin. He noticed and turned his head her way. Please don't kiss her. Please don't kiss her! He gave her a small peck on the lips and they smiled at each other. I stood there awkwardly hoping this moment would end soon. Still being as quiet as I possibly can, I started to walk towards the door. I could tell Justin and Selena were looking at me as I did this.

     Selena was probably confused as to what I was doing but I knew Justin knew what was going on. I waited at the door for them because they were taking their time getting here. "We ready to go?" I said putting on my best fake smile. "Yeah." Selena said with a smile.

~After Breakfast~

     We walked out into the parking lot and headed towards Justin's car. "Sorry, Justin, but your spending your day alone." Selena said as we locked arms. "Uh, why?" Justin asked confused and left out. "Sel and I are going shopping." I said smiling. Justin looked at me with a surprised look. He know I never shop. "You," he said "shopping?" I nodded my head and laughed. "Do you want me to drop you guys off at the mall?" Justin asked. "Sure. That'd be great." Selena said. We all hopped into his  car and soon we were on our way to the mall.

     "You guys sure you don't want me to stay?" Justin asked for what seemed like the hundredth time. "No, Justin." I said "We'll be okay." I laughed a little and closed the car door. As Selena and I walked toward the mall, I felt Justin's eyes on my back. No way, he can't be staring at me. We broke up and everything has changed. "Where to first?" Selena said, snapping me out of my trance. "Um. . . " I said thinking for a moment. "I don't know, you probably have a better fashion sense than I do." She laughed and started to walk towards Forever 21. Truthfully, i've never been in there. I know its sad, but the bright clothing just wasn't inviting to me. 

     "How about this?" Selena said walking up to me with a light blue dress with a thin brown belt around the waist. "I don't know. . . "I said studying the dress. "Come on Emma. Pleeeaaasseee try it on." She said. I thought about it one last time. "Okay, fine." 

     We walked back into the fitting room and waited for one to be free. "How many?" said the person who was helping me. "One," I said looking down at the dress. She grabbed the number one off of a hook and I followed her to a fitting room. "Here you go." she said. "Thanks," I said quietly. I closed the door and let out a long breath. This better look good, I thought to myself as I slipped the dress over my head. I pulled the dress down it fell perfectly. I did the belt then looked at myself in the mirror. The dress was about mid thigh and had about a little less than one inch straps. I looked myself up and down and found myself starting to like the dress. 

     I heard a slight knock on the door. "It's me," said Selena. I opened the door and saw her looking at the dress. "What do you think?" I asked. She looked me up and down and then smiled. "I love it!" she said. "I really think you should get it! It looks amazing on you."

     "Really?" I said surprised.

     "Yes, really!" I laughed.

     "Okay, I'll get it." I said "Let me change and I'll be right out."

     I shut the door again and changed back into my old clothes. I never knew a dress could make me that happy. Just knowing that you were trying to look pretty makes you actually believe it and i loved that feeling since I had never tried before. I put my bag onto my shoulder and held the dress on one arm.

     I opened the door and saw Selena waiting for me. "Let's go," I said walking towards the register. I bought the dress and might I say that I was proud. Change is good, it makes you feel good and maybe even the ones around you. You probably don't want to hear my rants do you? Well anyway, Selena and I left the store with smiles on our faces. "Hey, you wanna go get some ice cream or something?" I asked as I spotted a small place that sold ice cream. I'm really craving something creamy right now. "Yeah sure."

     Me and Selena sat at a small square table to eat our ice cream. There was a few seconds of awkward silence and it was a little weird. It was like she knew something that I didn't. "So, how long have you and Justin been dating?" I asked to break the silence.

     "For about a month. Justin is a really great guy, you know?"

     "Yeah," I said "Always a gentlemen." She laughed and took another bite of ice cream.

     "Do you have a boyfriend?" I was shocked by what she asked.

     "Um, I did about two months ago." She doesn't have to know its Justin I'm talking about.

     "What happened?"

     "We had a misunderstanding but things never really worked out after that."

     "I'm really sorry, Em." Selena said frowning. 

     "And, I might still love him," It slipped out of my mouth before I could do anything. 

     "Em, you have to talk to him!"

     "I can't. But enough about my sad love life," I said "I wanna hear about you and Justin."

     "No Emma, we have to talk about you right now. You need to talk to him, its important."

     "It's no use even if I tried. He already has a girlfriend anyway." 

     "That's hard to believe. I don't think anyone can get over a breakup that fast."

     "Do you wanna know what I find hard to believe?" I asked. She had a puzzled look on her face and she had no idea where I was going with this. "What?" She asked wanting an answer.

     "That I'm sitting here eating ice cream with Selena Gomez." We both started laughing and that was the end of that terrible heartbreaking conversation. Well, to me it was heartbreaking. Was Selena right about talking to Justin? She probably was but I don't want to do anything that will hurt her. It would be like stealing her boyfriend if I was convincing enough. 

     All I need to do is forget about my past and have an amazing time at the concert tonight. My life has turned upside down all because I met Justin Bieber. Do I love this part of my life? Yes. But do I also hate it? Of course.

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