Chapter 12

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Emma's POV

"He's coming?! Really?!" Rachel screamed in my ear. She arrived at my house like five minutes ago and she's already screaming. "Yup," I said "And guess what." Her eyes got wide when she said "What?" I waited a while to answer. Ya know, just to make this more interesting. "Justin is going to drive us there." Her face got so red. I could tell she was holding in a scream. She covered her mouth with both of her hands. The doorbell rang and I sprang up out of my chair to answer it. I looked back at Rachel. She was about to start freaking out. I let out a slight laugh and opened the door. "Hey." Justin said in one of those trying to be cool voices. I smiled and told him to come inside. I introduced him to Rachel. Rachel

Was about to fall flat on her face, but she held herself together. Maybe the more we hang out with him, the more comfortable she will be.

"You guys ready?" Justin said. "Yup." Rachel and I said the same time. We walked out the front door and down to the end of the driveway where Justin's car is. Rachel, with me forcing her, sat in the back of the car. What can I say? I like things my way. Hmmm, that rhymes. Haha. Anyway, I turned on the radio and Jennifer Lopez's new song "On the Floor" was playing. We all started singing. Once the song ended, we all started laughing so hard. Mainly for no reason. Rachel and I were chatting about school drama and Justin never said a word. "Sean and I aren't talking."

"Really?" I asked. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. But I actually was happy. Remember how I said I've liked Sean for a while? And nothing is really going on with me and Justin. "Who's Sean?" Justin asked. "My boyfriend. Well, maybe he's not my boyfriend. I don't know." Rachel said. Justin just nodded and went back to his thoughts.

It took about a half hour to get to the mall. I'm pretty sure Justin isn't going to be very happy going into some girly stores and listen to Rachel go on and on about her problems.


(Back at Emma's house after she and Justin drove Rachel home)

Emma's POV

Justin and I were on my front porch, waiting for someone to open the door. If no one was home, I would have to wait out here until someone came home. I forgot the key,which is in the house. I sighed and sat down on the porch steps. Justin sat down next to me and put a hand on my shoulder. "I can wait with you if you want."

"You don't have to. I deserve to be here alone."

"And why is that?"

"I'm the one who forgot the key!"

"How about, I'm staying and there's nothing you can do about it." We waited for 45 minutes until a car pulled into the driveway. Wait, whose car is that? I've never seen it before. The door opened and someone got out. Nicole. You couldn't miss her long blonde hair. "Hey guys!" she said in a squeaky voice."Hi." I said in a totally annoyed voice. She couldn't keep her eyes off Justin. She quickly rook her eyes off Justin and looked at me. "Why are you two sitting out here?" she asked a little confused. "Well, nobody's home and I don't have a key." I said giving her a weird look. I honestly didn't like Nicole. There's just this weird vibe she gives off. "Justin, you really should go." I said. "No! I want to stay with you. Plus, I really don't want to go back to the hotel."

"Why?" I asked confused. "Your mom is there, and Scooter."

"Well, I have a show tomorrow and Scooter isn't going to leave me alone until all of the routines are perfected."

"Oh." That was all I could say. Not seeing Justin tomorrow was hard for met to think about. I know it's only for a day , but in the past few days, i've been getting to know him better."There's Nick!!" I heard Nicole squeal. She ran right up to Nick's car. When he got out, she kissed him on the lips and gave him a quick hug. "What's everybody doing outside?" Nick said. Do I have to explain again?! I let out a sigh. "I don't have the key." I said. Nick reached into his pocket and took out the metal keys. Thank God!!

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