Chapter 3

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Emma's POV

      "Emma! Come on we're going to be late!" My mom yelled up to me. I just needed to do some finishing touches. I know I'm not a person for style, but once you give me something nice to work with, I get really into it. I slipped on a pair of black heels on, grabbed a sweater and ran down the stairs. The rest of my family was already in the car. I ran out the front door and jumped in the car. "Sorry." I said. Within seconds, we are on our way to the school.

     Once we get there, the parking lot was filled with cars. I've never actually been to one of these events because. . . Well you know why. One thing that was a little suspicious to me was a big black van. It could of been a catering van so I didn't say anything. We walked through the school doors and through a long hallway to the gym. I pretty much saw everyone from my class and their families. "Emma!" I heard Brianna say. I spun around and saw her, her eyes wide. "Wow, you look amazing in that dress! But, there's no time to thank me." she said. Sometimes Brianna can get a little over excited. She grabbed my arm and pulled me to a big group of people. "We're all trying to figure out who the special guest is going to be." One of the girls in the group said. "What if it's someone famous." Someone else said. "When do they announce it?" I asked. "In about five minutes." Brianna said. We all ran over to the front of a stage, that I hadn't noticed before. I was actually kind of excited.

Justin's POV

      As I walked in the school and heard everyone talking about a special guest. Which was me of course. I was lead into one of the classrooms. No one was supposed to see me until my entrance. Scooter came up to me and said quietly "About five minutes, you better get ready." I nodded and headed out of the classroom. Before I knew it, the gym doors were in front of me. I hear my entrance. Here we go.


What did ya think???? Sorry that this chapter is so short!



FaN!                                                                              PeAcE :)

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