Chapter Two.

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All night I couldn't stop thinking about what happened yesterday, I've been looking all over Facebook for a Jaspar but of course he didn't tell me a lot about himself so I haven't had a lot to go on with. So I just kind of forget about him for a bit and do my horrible homework! I'm in the middle of doing my practise exams which are super stressful, but I still don't know what I want to do with my life. So I'm just trying to be great at everything or at least try my best at a lot of subjects so when I do know what I want to do. I'll be able to go ahead and do that career in my life. Now I shall go to sleep horrible school tomorrow!

I wake up with a kind of instant happiness like I cant wait to go to school which is super weird. Im now currently eating Nutella toast, I have a skill of just making it before the bell rings for me to be in school. Lately it's has gotten more trying because my bed just seems to get comfier each and every morning. I hear my doorbell go, I run for it and open the door. There is Callie waiting patiently on me to hurry up and walk to school with her. I get my boots on and blazer and walk out of the door with her.

"So how was your weekend?, do anything interesting? says Callie looking like she just woke up.
"Well it's funny you should say that , I meet a dude" I say as my cheeks go bright pink.
"Oh really!" she says with a shocked expression ,  "Well what's his name!!!" She says about to explode. 
"Well I don't know a great deal about him but his name is Jaspar ,he's into indie music , he has these bright blue eyes and super curly hair!" I respond. "Has he got a friend?" she says half jokingly half real.
"Well he does have friends that's all I can tell you about that" I said.
"Do you not know his last name, does he have any social media sites?" Callie said.
"He didn't give it but I guess you don't want to be telling a complete stranger that kind of information" I say. We finally get to school and the bell rings. Callie and I part ways , " See you at break" I say.
"Yeah sure , meet you at the back!" She says while rushing up the stairs.

After my double period of maths my head is fried yet I still can't get Jaspar out of my mind we just had this connection so cliché but it just felt so great. I spot Callie , Phoebe waiting at the back at break and I run and hug Phoebe because I haven't saw her in a while. She's still a lot taller than me but I'm used to it. Callie has already filled in Phoebe about the whole Jaspar meeting. So she's asking me a lot of questions on how it happened, what was I wearing etc. Then I quickly snap out of my dreaming as I see one of my best friends Riley. We've been close for a year now and he's shocked when he sees my hair. "When did you're hair magically go from brown to purple!" He says has I see his mouth finally closing.
"Well if you must know I dyed It myself , it really wasn't easy but I managed it and excuse me! it isn't just "purple" it is actually lilac for your information." I say with a sassy tone.
"Oh well it looks pretty cool to be honest so I approve". Riley says while looking very chuffed. The bell rings for break to be over.
"Want me to walk you to class?" Riley asks. "Eh", I turn to Callie and Phoebe , "Is that okay?" I ask. They just nod with matching big grins.
"Yeah why not" I answer Riley.
"So you know how Im on the football team , well I was wondering if you would like to come watch me play this big match we have against this other school and hopefully kick their butts?" he says with a hopeful expression.
"Eh when is it?" I say trying to act cool. "This Saturday, you don't need to come if you don't want to you can bring a friend so you're not just surrounded by dudes".
"Im pretty sure im free but ill tell you closer to the day just to be sure, you cool with me bringing Callie?" , "Yeah of course! you can bring whoever you want".
We stop before we get to the English department , we're just standing in front of each other.
"You're the first girl I've ever invited to watch me play, not counting my mum of course and I think you should be honoured" he says while smiling.
"Well I like the idea of being the first , I better get to class now ill see you around" I say while slowly walking away.
"Okay see you around Bella!" he says while kind of following me.

Riley is the only dude that calls me Bella everyone else calls me Arabella.

When the bell rings for us to go home im so happy, I pack all my books away and rush for the door. I then call my Dad to come pick me up because im lazy. I walk to the front doors of my school and wait patiently for my Dad to come. I finally see him drive round the corner heading to the car park and im so relieved because the sky is getting very dark and gloomy so I was going to look like a drowned rat not the look I was going for. I go straight onto my phone when I get home. I go onto my schools page to see out of curiousity who our team is mouth suddenly drops open.

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