Chapter Eighteen.

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A week before

I scramble to get out of Phoebes house. I seriously don't want to be here anymore certainly after what I just saw. I suddenly hear shouting directed in my direction. I turn around to see Riley looking at me with blurry eyes. I just look at him in the eye , trying not to show any emotion.

"What do you want me to say Arabella?".

The fact he said my full name instead of Bella hurt me even more.

I just stared at him and walked away not even wasting my breath on him.

When I get home I just fall on to my bed and just let it all out.
I then call Callie to come over because I also have to ask her alot of stuff.

After I had called her over , I tried to make my room look presentable.
I then hear my doorbell ring , I run to it and then bring her up to my room.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm alright , how did you find out anyways didnt see you anywhere".

She just sits there with a big grin on her face. I watch her as she opens her mouth to talk but stops herself multiple times this leads me to frustration.

"Where were you!!! , you have to tell me Callie!!!".

"Erm , right do you remember when I told you about that guy?" She asks while smirking.

"Of Course I do !!!" I basically shout at her.

"Well I was with him, and he asked me to be his girlfriend !"

"OMFG Callie , who is this guy?" I asked confused as I have never met this guy before.

"His name I can't tell you yet but it's someone unexpected".

"Right , why can't you tell me what his name is????"

"I just cant okay just drop it!" She says suddenly turning defensive.

"Okay , okay but you will tell me soon!"

"Anyways what are we even going to do? , are you going to dump Riley?".

"I can barely even get my head round him kissing that other girl never mind think about dumping him!".

"Just think thing's through , dont rush into a decision you cant take back when you've made it".

We then talked for a couple more hours and then she went home.

Then the doorbell goes.

In my head Im thinking it could be Riley because I do need an explanation.

So then I walk to my front door and open it to expect to see Riley , Its definalty not.....

It's Jaspar.

I try not to show my shocked expression buts its pretty obvious.

"Erm hey Jaspar , what are you doing here??".

"I thought I would come over to say sorry because I know I did like you in that way , I also know that Riley & I don't get on but I wouldnt want to break you's up on purpose."

"Well it's very nice of you to come over but it's not your fault , I'm guessing you havent heard about Riley kissing another girl and anyways we just kissed in a game."

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that Arabella but to be honest I expected Riley to do something after we kissed".

"What makes you say that Jaspar , am I missing something?". I say sounding stressed.

"He's done stuff like this all his life , he's always loved being in the spotlight".

"How do you seem to know Riley so well Jaspar?".

"That I cant tell you , lets just say I'm not surprised hes done this and just move on from it".

"Okay" I say fighting back the rage and tears.

"He does seem to really like you though".

"Yeah It seemed like that ".

"You just got to keep trucking on".

"Trucking on , really?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

Then we both burst into laughter.

I suddenly turn serious again.

"How are you feeling these days , Jaspar?"

"I'm okay still coming to terms with the whole sister situation".

"Of course you are , it wasn't even that long ago".

"Yeah it really wasn't".

"Well I should go Arabella , feel better" he says while slowly smirking.

"I will soon enough".

And then I'm alone with my thoughts again and Netflix.

Next Day

I then decide to get out of this god damn house and text a bunch of my friends. Its hot out so I felt like going to the beach with my friends.I text Callie , Phoebe , Alice & Poppy.We all come prepared like I did for the pool party.I go to a shop and buy a little throw away barbeque and some snacks. I then head down to the local beach. I was the last one to be there of course.

"Hey , guys sorry for being late" I say to the group.

"It's fine you usually are" said Phoebe.

"So I'm guessing you need distracted then" said Alice.

"Yeah I do, don't want to be a moody cunt and just stay in my house".

"Yeah no one wants to be around a moody cunt" admitted Phoebe.

Then I lit the barbeque and started telling each other weird but wonderful stories.

We of course had smores which are fabulously tasty. All was going well until a figure had started walking towards our little group , I didn't think much of the figure at first but then the features of the figure got more noticeable. Callie sprung to her feet to the figure while bringing him into the light , I knew this person , he got put out of my life and I don't think he was meant to be put back in it.

Until now....

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