Chapter Fifteen.

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A couple of days later.

It's a normal day back from school , I'm just chilling listening to music and procrastinating my homework. Then my door bell rings and none of my parents are home so I just assume it's them. So I quickly jog down the stairs to my front door and expect to see my parents. I don't see my parents I see just one person looking completely broken.

Its Jaspar.

I open the door to him and welcome him inside. His eyes look so puffy and his hair is still messed up just like I had saw it a couple of days ago.

"Everything okay Jaspar?" I asked concerned.

"Not really Arabella....I...came over because I felt like you could give me some support through this..." He said struggling not to break down in front of me.

"Is it about you're sister?" I asked trying to sound naïve.

"Yeah it's her funeral in a couple of days and I don't know if I should go , do you think she would even want me there?" His voice sounding innocent.

"Of course she would , you were...are her brother why wouldn't she wanted you to go?" I asked.

"Because I could of helped her."

I try not to show the shocked expression on my face but its very hard not to in this situation.

"I could of helped her" he repeated sounding more angrily this time.

He got up off my sofa and started pacing around my living room looking like he wanted to break something. I just sat there watching him pace around and just waited until he was ready to sit back down again. Eventually he sat back down again.

"How could you of helped her Jaspar?" I ask as softly as I could.

"She had an eating disorder Arabella , my family is so rich we can have any type of food we ever wanted yet Grace choose not to eat because that made her feel better than getting a meal."

His eyes started to glaze and I knew that his breakdown was coming.

"She was so pretty though and she wasn't even overweight she was a healthy weight because of her playing netball and loads of other different sports. I didn't even notice until late on that she wasn't eating I could tell she wasn't the same for so long but I didn't realise that she wasn't eating until one night I had heard someone down stairs , it was Grace emptying a bag of food into the outdoor bin."

At this point I grabbed him into a hug and that's when he wouldn't stop crying.

We stayed like that for ages and I felt my shoulder get damper and damper.

He then pulled away from me and said sorry about my shoulder but I didn't care about having a damp shoulder.

" I didn't know what to do so I tried to make her eat by taking her out to her favourite Italian or Mexican whatever she felt like but each time she would just order a drink. I managed to get her to eat a plate of chips one time it made her feel so full because of her stomach not being used to eating again. She even acted so happy around everyone so no one expected a thing , until.." his voice started to become distant and cold.

"Until that piece of work found Sage Adams saw her put her food in the bin many times so he confronted her. he said that he wanted her to do anything he wanted and if he involved me or even told me her secret was out. Grace never did tell me what he made her do but no doubt in my mind it was horrible , I kept trying to make her eat again so he wouldn't have something over her but she never listened to me and some how a couple of nights ago she got pills I don't doubt they could of been from Sage and she took her own life. I could of saved her Arabella!".

"Even if you tried to Jaspar I'm pretty sure Grace would cover it up for example if you got help she would just pretend to be okay and if you had spoke to Sage it would of made things worse for her. I just don't know what to say, have you told you're parents?".

"I haven't but if I do and they try and get Sage done for something it will be their word against his sort of things because no one ever seen them together, Sage was sly like that he would talk to her in the most quiet of places and never be caught out."

I could even feel my eyes start to water.

How could someone that was my age have to go through all of that still so much to live for.

"I feel like you should definitely tell you're parents about it Jaspar , you need to talk to you're family they have every right to know."

He just nodded his head. He notice that tears were rolling down my cheeks and just stared at me with complete worry and sadness in his face. His bright blue eyes were so dim now.

"I hate funerals but do you want me to be by you're side at you're sisters funeral to give you some support that I think you really need?."

"That would be------"

My phone started vibrating. Text from Riley

"Hey , are you currently busy?"

"Very I'll talk to you soon".

Jaspar had seen that it was from Riley and asked the question.

"Are you and Riley a thing now?"

"Yeah......we are.....I m sorry I didn't tell its just the whole--".

"it's completely okay and I would love it if you could come and support me but if you cant it's okay".

"I better go now but ill text you...okay".

As he walked by one of our mirrors in the living room he had seen his eyes and his mental curly hair.

"Do I look bad?"

"No, but you need to get you're hair cut I'm not letting you have you're hair like Harry Styles current hair style." I say with a smile.

I slowly see a smirk come across the one that I recognise extremely well.

"Okay I better walk you to the door don't want to be rude" while standing up about to walk to the front door.

"Do you want me to walk you home a bit or are you alright?".

"ill be fine , anyways I need to think about stuff".

So I just nodded and opened the door for him.

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