Chapter Eleven.

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I wake up feeling confused as ever omg!!!!

It's all just hit me.

School's today as well and there's thankfully only three days left until the Easter holidays. I wake up , get a lift from my mother and contemplate my life while I look out the window at the short distance of scenery while trying to keep my eyes open. I'm in my traditional school uniform blazer , tie , tartan skirt , a shirt and my beloved converse. Before anyone judges me rocking high topped converse with a skirt I simply do not care they are shoes! that are incredibly comfortable might I add so yeah I rock it.   

When I get to school I feel like a new person if thats possible. I walk into school and Rose comes up to me.

"Hey, Arabella how are you".

"I'm not bad, how are you?".

"Im alright , was you're weekend up to much?".

"It was eventful you could say that and how was yours?".

I see a big grin start to appear on her face..

"Well...I might of met someone".

"Omg no way! , who , how and where".

"We'll we met at the annual drama party ,he just came to this area, his name is Tyler and he's a year older than us!" she says while blushing.

"He must be some guy then Rose to get you to blush like you are!".

"Well he's quite charismatic and cute of course!".

"Well you must let me meet him some day then!".

"Yeah anyways enough about me what made you're weekend so eventful?".

"Oh well that's a long story , maybe involving Riley & Jaspar and yeah they both really like me to shorten the story a hell of a lot".

"What! you're kidding right? Is everything okay?".

"Yeah everything is fine just my feelings are all over the place ,do you blame me? but I would never of expected Riley for one to like me back like that and Jaspar just randomly coming into my life also being so lovely just urgh".

"I don't blame you" (then the bell rings for first period).

"I'll see you around then!".

"You sure will!" I say with a smile.

I walk to my first class which is registration. Our classrooms aren't that spectacular most of them are just plain cream walls and the usual equipment you would have in an classroom. But the art ones and English ones aren't bare. Like for example the maths one are but that's clearly because maths is boring so it reflects , unless you're into maths no judgement. I wish my school in London was as great as my Brooklyn school because of all of the perks of staying in America. The lockers and different culture in general surrounding school.

So anyways I'm now in my second class it's modern studies. I'm currently sitting at my desk , listening to the teacher surprisingly. We are learning about politics ,  Our teacher is called Mr Berne he is a good teacher but sometimes I don't pay attention because sometimes I prefer to stare out the window and usually see the view of sun pouring through the blinds covering the window. I sit next to Blair and she is always wanting to tease me in some way but that's our friendship.

The only classes that are a bit of a drag are chemistry and maths. The rest of the classes I have are I enjoy to a certain point. This is the year that I'm doing my practise exams, the 5 classes I have are English , Maths, Chemistry, Modern Studies and Biology so you kind of see where I'm wanting to head my career in after school. I'm not completely certain on what type of medicine career I wish to pursue but my back up plan is something in writing.
Class is nearly ending when the door opens and Mrs Booth comes into talk to Mr Berne for a couple of minutes to tell him something. At the corner of my eye I catch the glimpse of a shy brunette standing at the door.

I tap Phoebe who sits in front of me and asked her if she knew anything of this mystery brunette.

"I heard that there is a new guy at school and he's meant to be laid back".

"Well that sounds promising then".

Before he can come in the bell rings so my curiosity sadly will have to wait a bit longer.

I rush to get my bag and jacket to get out for break and see what this guy look likes.

When I walk out of the class , I instantly see him so I decide to bring Phoebe with me to introduce ourselves since that is polite and when we see him. I turn to see Phoebe's facial expression. Her eyes look like they are going to pop out I don't blame her because he legit looks like a version of Douglas Booth. He sees us and then grins in our direction.

"Hey girls how are we today?".

"Well hello , I'm fine so what's you're name?".

I nudge Phoebe.

"Oh yeah I'm good also".

"Well that's great then! , I'm Drake" He says with another smirk.

"I need to go now but I'm sure Phoebe can show you around" I say towards Phoebe.

"Yeah of course don't want to see you lost and be rude".

"Well I'll see you around what did you say you're name was?".

"Arabella and the girl that is going to be you're personal tour guide is called Phoebe".

"All right then , see ya Arabella!" .

I turn and walk away but I get a big smile from Phoebe.

I'm walking away until I see Rose talking to a guy. I immediately think it's that Tyler guy she was talking about and plus I've never seen this guy before so that's probably why I think that.

I get an instant smile in my direction from Rose so I quickly walk over.

"Arabella this is Tyler, Tyler this is Arabella" .

"Nice to meet you Tyler , So I'm guessing you're new here since I haven't seen you about?".

"Yeah nice to meet you too me and my brother just moved up here I'm pretty sure he is you're guys year? , his name is Drake".

"Oh yeah I just meet him just there he seems nice , where do you come from?".

"We moved from Yorkshire, so this whole American life  is a big difference".

"I bet it is , I'll better start walking to class since we've only got like 5 minutes and I need to go talk to a teacher, see ya guys".

I don't actually need to go talk to a teacher just didn't want to be third wheeling for longer than I needed. I then see Riley outside the dining room door , I look at him and he gives me a smirk. I blush what can I say its Riley Smith of course I'd blush.

Then I suddenly see a face I would have never wanted to see walk into my school.

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