Chapter Twelve

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Phoebe's POV

"So Arabella doesn't know we have been texting then I'm guessing?" He says while giving me a nudge and a wink.

"I told her that I was texting a boy just didnt tell her who, it's amazing how you're parents choose this school!".

"Well...they didnt really choose it , I did and they just kind of agreed".

"Oh really!".

"Yeah something wrong with that?" He says looking nervously.

"No there isnt anything wrong just in shock".

His eyes were even smiling at me.

I still felt bad about not telling anyone about Drake its not like he was a dirty secret or anything I guess I just kept it to myself.

"So where do we go from here then?" He said looking serious.

"I don't know ,do you think this feels right?" I answer trying not to sound as nervous as I was.

"Well I wont push anything , when you're ready I'm ready".

Back to normal

I see the face I've never wanted to see again.

It's a woman waltzing towards me in heels and a tight dress suit.


The woman that is waltzing towards me is the reason my parents split up.

One of the reasons I moved from London to Brooklyn.

I never liked her she was always too up herself.

Anyways she was having an affair with my dad for 5  years! and yet none of us were none the wiser. I've never really been able to forgive my dad , I felt like I had to when we were still all living together but now that we moved over to Brooklyn where my mum originally came from I never seen the point. My dad was always well off because he came from a rich family and I always thought that's why she was so in lo....Nat cant even finish that sentence without being sick. Anyways when we moved up to Brooklyn we basically cut all ties with my dad & my family that lived down there but of course I'm still in touch with all of my old friends down there. So you can kind of imagine the confusion and worry I have on my face.

"Hello Arabella" she says with a fake smile nearly as fake as hair.

"Hey" I say with a glare.

"What do you want" I say not breaking eye contact.

"Well I've been instructed to give you this letter by you're dear father".

"What was wrong with him giving it to me? is he too lazy to get his butt over here and give it himself?".

"Well sweetheart he is busy at work so I offered to give it too you before I go shopping".

"Yup for a new personality" I mumble.

"What was that?" she said frustratingly.

"Oh nothing Amanda" I say with a equally fake smile.

"Well toodles then!" she said while picking up her horrid Chanel handbag.

I wait till she is totally out of sight and open the envelope and look at the letter that my dad had wrote.

Dear , Arabella

I know after two years this must seem very sudden but I've just wanted to give you time after the whole divorce that ended quite messily. But since I know that the Easter holidays are coming up I was wondering if you could come down and stay here for a week of the two weeks of the Easter holidays. You can also get a chance to catch up with all you're old friends down here who have probably missed you dearly. It's okay if you don't want to come or you're busy I understand I would just really appreciate it if you made the effort and came down and visited you're old man.

Yours Sincerely, lots of love

Jeremy White


Now this I definitely wasn't expecting , It is sweet that he's thinking about me and that he gave me time but I don't know if I can fully forgive him never mind go and stay with him. The bell rang at this point so I grabbed my bag and slowly walked to my next class. Which turned out to be a assembly for my year and the one above so I rushed down to the hall. I immediately caught sight of Riley and sat next to him. I immediately seen his eyes light up as he discovered I magically appeared on the chair beside him.

"Oh hey Bella...if its still cool if I call you that?" He said sounding nervous.

"Yeah course, I have no idea what we are but did we ever really know?" I say trying the lighting the situation.

"Yeah that's true well you have a new nickname for me too don't you" he said smirking.

"Wait what I do? , nah not into all that cheese" I say while attempting to wink.

He laughs a little bit too loudly making Callie & Phoebe to immediately draw their attention to me.

I can tell what their thinking from their facial expression , confusion and happiness.

The head teacher immediately starts talking.

"Hello freshmen & seniors I know you are probably all devastated about missing class this period but I'm afraid I have to tell you all some tragic news, A girl in grade 9 in the school very close to us has sadly died because of an overdose on a substance the police haven't identified yet but the name of the girl was called Grace Cooper and all of our thoughts go to her parents and her older brother. I am now going to introduce to PC.Burns."

"Hello as you already know I'm P.C Burns and I'm here to tell you about drug use".

My face was so shocked to hear the news and I was equally horrified to see the photos that they show you to scar you basically to never do drugs.

When the assembly was over I was in a state of daze about the whole situation. I cant believe that could happen to a girl my own age. I got a nudge from Riley with a concerned look on his face.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm just a bit shocked wow I wish I knew her to stop her from doing that".

"Why are you smiling?" I say with a confused face.

"You're so light hearted Bella you care too much, even if you knew her I doubt you could of stopped her".

"But I could of tried".

"Well it wouldnt of been you're job".

"Okay I guess, I'll catch you around".

"Yeah I'll see ya" .

As he walked away I started to overthink what if I knew someone going through that or someone that has been close to someone like that.

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