Chapter Twenty-One.

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*loud noises*

2 Days Before
We are now all gathered at a big park near my house. I persuaded my mum to hide all of the eggs so it was fair.
We all start at the top of the park and get ready to go and find the eggs.
1,2,3 GO!

We all scramble to get these small little Easter eggs that are definitely important even though we are all roughly 15/16 but that doesn't matter. I hear some of my friends shout with glee at the sight at one of the many Easter eggs. Yet I still haven't found one never mind how many each of them have. I stare through bushes and look up at trees and I finally recognise a bright blue Easter egg in a bush which I instantly put my arm in despite the fact that the bush has thorns and more sharp twigs.

I then look around to see where everyone else is and to my surprise everyone seems silent. So I wander around to see if I can find them and yet I don't hear a single noise or even a glimpse of any of my friends.

I then hear a very weird sound. It almost sounds like a very angry person so I rush toward the sound. When I get to where the sound came from I notice this is where all my friends are and they are all standing silent and in shock as they stare at the person I worry constant about and the one that I have seen at their most vulnerable. Jaspar. He is hunched over a large portrait at the graveyard that is next door to the big park. Its Grace and he can't stop crying.

I then go over to him , as I touch his shoulder he shakes it off and say's "Leave me alone" in a small whimper.

"It's okay it's me Arabella, do you want us to take you back to your house?" I ask sounding very worried.

He slowly tilts his head up to where I'm standing with a tear stained puffy eyed look and slowly nods his head.

We then manage to get him to his feet after a lot of struggling. As we approach my mum's car she gives me a very confused and worried look in the direction of Jaspar.

"He's very upset but can't really go into detail right now but is it okay if you drop him off at his house, I'll come also."

She then nods which makes me breathe a sigh of relief.

The drive to his house is completely silent and no one dares to speak in case they say the wrong thing. When we get to his house I watch Jaspar as he just sits and stares at his front door. Obviously not wanting to go in because all it does is remind him of his sister Grace. I then unbuckle my seatbelt , open the car door and walk round to his car door. I open his car door to try and encourage him to get out to go into his house. He then slowly looks up at me and then smiles.

"Okay , I'll go inside thanks Arabella"

"it's alright, what are friends for" I smile back at him.

When he gets to his door he takes a deep breathe and goes in. I go back to my car to be questioned by my mother.

"Why is he like that?"

"Like what?"

"So depressed?"

"He's gone through a lot , his sister committed suicide and he blames himself".

"Oh my god that's tragic"

"Yeah it really is"

For the rest of the car journey it is silent once again.

Then finally my mother breaks the silence.

"You know what that boy needs , he needs to get out of this place for a while"

"You're suggesting a road trip?"

"Yeah I'm sure Riley or Jaspar could drive"

"Aw yeah I keep forgetting we are in America".

"It's still the Easter holidays why don't you go to a different state for the weekend".

"That sounds great but what about fuel cost , the food and accommodation".

"You're father sent me an envelope with a few 100 dollars , I think you will be completely fine."

When I get home I text everyone to say about the road trip, I don't think I can deal with having riley on the trip with us but at least it will give Jaspar & him time to sort their issues out and our issues.

The first response is from Riley , "Definitely I'm totally in , I'll see you at the weekend and we need to talk".

"Yes , we do see you"

The next is from the group chat I have with all the girls and all of them have cleared their weekends for the road trip which I'm buzzing about.

The Weekend.

We all decided that Jaspar should bring his big Range Rover because it would be practical. We each brought a little something , I brought a speaker and my phone to connect to Spotify , Phoebe & Callie brought food , Riley brought drinks , Poppy brought sun cream , Alice brought blankets and more food and Blair brought more music.

2Hours Into the road trip and some of us are asleep because we had to get up early.

So I decide to put on my music to get the road trip going. I'm in the passengers seat we are taking turns in who sits where. Every thing is fine until...




*loud noises*

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