Chapter Three.

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I stare in horror and amazement. I can not un see this. I zoom in closer to the photo , I see that familar face and hes in a....American team soccer strip the one that is only 2 miles away from ours. I think quickly about Riley and how he would react if he knew that I might of liked the look of one the opposite team player. I just knew that this would not end well. Well I suppose Riley cant know then , its my secret.


Today was a normal school day. I couldn't really sleep the night before because I wasn't 100% sure if I should tell Riley but me and Jaspar had just meet so I doubt It should be anything worth getting into a whole argument over.

Anyways , I still haven't described Riley yet. Riley, has an athletic build because of him being sporty. I've known about him since late middle school but we only became friends in high school so technically we've known each other for 2 years. I'm 5"4 and he's 6"2 so there's quite a difference. He has always got a perfectly groomed brown quiff unless he has just came out of p.e. He is in the year above me so there's roughly a year between us. He has dark green eyes and a very structured face. His personality is goofy but he can be serious sometimes. So yeah anyways enough about Riley.

On Tuesday of course one of the worst days to get an exam and its alright its only art but I take exams very seriously. So I went to art and sat down at my desk. Of course I was very zoned out though like usual and forgot everything the teacher had told us that would help us on the test. When we get given our sheets I stare at the sheet for a good 5-10 minutes and then finally my brain actually wakes up. Then all of a sudden the fire alarm goes off. My first thought is oh great I'll have to do this tomorrow or something. So I grab my bag and walk quickly out of the building. I manage to catch up with Rose to see whats happening. It turns out someone had broke one of the boxes which is very strange.
Then suddenly I see this blonde hair with a black hoodie on in the bushes. I run over to the person.
"Jaspar? , is that you?", I suddenly get pulled into the bushes.
"Well you could of asked before you pulled me in here!".
"Would you of really came in here if I had asked?" He replys.
"Urgh no but..." I get interupted by a shush.
There's a rustle in the bushes.
I look out and out pops a bird.
"Its all good , why are you here?" I ask confusingly.
"Well I kind of did something..."
"What have you done , wait...did way..." I say shocked.
"Maybe I did...maybe I didnt that isnt whats important right now , I have a question to ask you.." he says.
"Erm okay? , now what is it?" I say.
" might of took me a year to pluck up the courage to speak to you on Saturday....Ive kind of always looked at you from a distant and I know that sounds super creepy but its not meant like that. The thing is I actually wanted to ask you two things..erm (I see his cheeks go pinker) do you happen to have a boyfriend.....?" "I...I" I start stummering classic Arabella.
"I dont" as I say after I've finally got the words out.
"Well the reason for me maybe doing this is because I wanted to talk to you and I wasnt sure how to contact you or when you were going to be next at the park."
"A simple look me up on facebook was too easy?" I say with a slight giggle.
"Well yeah obviously I wanted to go big or go home sort of thing." He says quite proud of himself.
"Well on to that other question you wouldnt happen to be free after the football game this Saturday?" He says very hopefully.
"Erm well Im not sure how can I contact you?"
I suddenly see his face light up.
"Oh yeah of course!" As he pulls out his iphone out of his pocket.
"So whats you're number?"
I smile at him and put in my number.
"So is this how you get all the girls? , breaking rules and pulling them into bushes." I say smiling.
"Of course I do this for every girl that I look at for a year!" He says trying to brush it off.
I see my teacher getting very stressed.
"I need to go now, my teacher is going to have a heart attack over there better go!"
"Bye bye Arabella"
He slowly gets out the bushes before me and makes a run for it round to the back of  the school.
I quickly rush away to my stressed teacher.
I turn around to see Blair laughing at me. I ask her why shes laughing so much.
"Have fun over there Arabella?" As she points to the bushes.
She takes a twig out of my hair. My face slowly goes redder and redder.
I start thinking about what Im going to do about Saturday...

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