Chapter 9

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               I looked at Sara and she smirked at me. Oh I'm going to die. My thoughts were cut off when Sara duplicated herself. There is now 2, 3, 4, 5 Sara's. I can't beat Sara by fighting because I'm outnumbered. I need to strategize. If I found the real Sara and took her out all the other Sara's would disappear. Right? Well it's all I got so I will go with it. I throw a punch at the first one and she caught my wrist and twisted it.
                "Ow!" I scream. I fell to the ground and I looked into the crowd and found Tyler's eyes. He gave me a pity look. He didn't think I could win. I'm going to prove him wrong. I stood back up and threw a punch at the second Sara but pulled it back before she caught it. I then dropped to the floor and kicked her hard in the shin. The Sara in the middle showed pain. I guess I found the real Sara, but how am I supposed to take her down. I know she is taking it easy but if I go after the real Sara, I think it'll be a whole different story. I looked at Isabelle and she was giving me a pity look too. I thought she would at least have a little bit of faith in me. Why do people keep underestimating me, why do they think I'm too weak to fight. That made me angry, real angry. My eyes suddenly got flaming hot. I don't understand what's happening. In the crowd everyone was gasping. All of a sudden the coach starts yelling, "STOP! STOP! STOP!" I snapped out of it once I saw the pure horror of each and every face in the room.
          "What happened?" I ask, "You all look like you've seen a ghost,"
           "Everyone go back to their dorm room. We have training tomorrow. Same time, same place as usual." Coach announced and everyone left the room whispering about what they just witnessed.
             Isabelle stayed behind. She also had a frightened look on her face.
             "Why do you look like that? Why did everyone look like that? I ask.
             "Everyone saw your power," she answers, "that's why they were all scared."
             "Why were they scared? Everybody has a power what made mine so scary?" I question.
             "Everyone saw your power but nobody knew what it was. Usually you inherit your power from your mother or father, but your father had the power to change minds, and that isn't your power." She answers.
              Before I could ask another question the intercom announced, "Mya Fields, please come to Mr. Benedines office. Mya Fields, please come to Mr. Benedines office."
               "I guess I'll see you later," I said before walking away. I probably should've asked where his office was since I don't know where it is. A couple minutes later I found his office. I walked in and he was sitting behind his desk.
                "Please sit down Miss Fields. We need to have a chat," Mr.Benedine says.
                "If it's about my power I had no clue I had such a weird power. I just want to fit in at this academy. It seems like I'm gonna be here for a while," I answer truthfully.
                "Yes you are definitely... Unique. So we are going to take some tests on you," Mr.Benedine adds.
               "Nobody is running tests on me and I'm definitely not going to be your lab rat," I reply.
               "Miss Fields you don't have a choice in the matter," Mr. Benedine answers.
               "Yes I do," I mutter, "You're not running any tests on me and that's the the end of this discussion." I start to get up and then Mr. Benedine starts talking.
               "I thought you would say that so I have some guards to take you away and make sure that we get the tests we need. Nothing is going to happen to you I promise, we need to learn more about you, to help save the world."
              "Absolutely not. You're not taking me away," I say anger boiling inside me.
              "Send them in."
              My eyes are flaming hot again I look around the room for an escape and I see a glass window. I focus all my energy and power onto the clear glass window. Soon a streak of light flows from my eyes to the glass I can't believe I just did that. I used my power. I don't have that long to admire it because I hear the thudding of men's boots, I leap out the window and run as fast as I can away from this place.
               I end up in the place where is all began, right on the mountain cliff as beautiful as ever with the tall pine trees sticking out of the earth and the glistening of the lake below me.
               I stood there for a while hoping that no one would ever find me here. A few moments later I feel a tap on my shoulder,"Hey are you okay?"


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