Chapter 10

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"Hey are you okay?" Somebody asks while they tap my shoulder. I turn around and see that it is Tyler.
     "Are you here to give me pity?" I ask grumpily.
      "Nope not at all I just wanted to check on you. Are you okay?" Tyler questions.
      "Yeah as fine as someone who just figured out she can shoot lasers out of her eyes, and as okay as someone who just got threatened to be taken as a lab rat and have strangers run tests on you. Besides that, my day was great," I reply sarcastically.
      "What!" Tyler added, "They just said they were gonna take you away and run tests on you?"
      "Yeah I guess they were...But thanks to my quick thinking I looked around and shattered the glass in his office, jumped out and made a run for it," I admitted.
     "Wow. I've never known any person who  would get that good with their power so soon. You're truly special," Tyler declared.
      I didn't know if he meant I have a special ability or if I was a special person. Whatever it was I didn't have the time to ask.
      "I should probably go back to my dorm room. Isabelle is probably worried sick," I mutter.
      I start walking away but then Tyler stops me.
       "Wait!" Screams Tyler, "I have a better idea." 
       "Okay....what is it," I mumble.
       "Why don't we test out your power," Tyler exclaims.
         I give careful thought to this. Tyler may have been a jerk earlier but I think I need to explore this power a little more.
      "Okay fine. Let's test out my power."
       Tyler's face curls into a smile and my face soon follows into one.
       "Okay so let's pick something you can shoot at because I know you are dying to shoot at something," Tyler says.
        You have no idea, I think.
         "What about that tree over there?" I ask.
         Tyler nods his head. I look directly at the tree and I concentrate super hard and think about the laser beams hitting it. When I open my eyes I see the tree blown to pieces.
           "Did I just do that?" I ask mumbling.
           "If my eyes are right, then yes," Tyler answers.
             I stare at the tree. I can't believe I just blew it to pieces. I am speechless.
           "You should probably go check on Isabelle," Tyler states
           "Yeah I probably should," I say and walk away from Tyler.
       I only took a few steps before Tyler stops me again.
     "What is it this time?" I mutter under my breath.
     "Shh did you hear that?" Tyler says with a worried expression plastered on his face.  
       I turn around and hear twigs snapping behind me. My eyes widen. Who are these people and what are they doing here.
      "Mya," Tyler screams, "use your power."
       I feel like I'm frozen in time, too scared to move. I've never been in this position. What if I kill somebody. What if I hurt Tyler. Before I know it I am swept up by someone and when I open my eyes I am on the opposite side of the cliff.
A/N: | Hello readers. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. More will be coming soon.

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