Chapter 22

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          Isabelle is looking me dead in the eye waiting for an answer.

          "Why didn't you want to hang out with Tyler and Sara?" she asks.

           I know that I need to find an excuse so that she doesn't ask anymore questions, "I wasn't feeling good."

          Isabelle looks at me seeing straight through my lies, "Yeah that's a pretty lousy excuse."

          "I'm feeling a little tired," I say but know she can figure out now I am just making up random things.

          "Seriously tell me, why were you acting so weird around them and why you just babbled for like 10 minutes?"

          "I don't even really know," I reply.

          "I'm pretty sure that you do know. Why won't you just tell me?"she asks.

          "Because, I feel like a terrible person," I answer truthfully.

          "I might not have known you for a long time but, I don't think you could ever be a bad person,"she adds.

          "That's only because I haven't told you about this," I mumble.

         "Then tell me right now."

         I sigh and admit everything, "I kissed Tyler, and I still might have feelings for him."

         Isabelle opens her mouth to start to say something, but I cut her off, "I know what you're going to say. How could you do that to your friend. Does friendship mean nothing to you. Well let me tell you, it does mean a lot to me. It means the..."

          Now she cut me off, "Actually I was just going to say that I've been noticing the way you guys look at each other. I can tell you both are trying to hide your true feelings to protect Sara from getting hurt. But, she is going to get hurt either way. You have to talk to Tyler and tell him how you feel or else you and Tyler are making big mistakes."

          "How can I talk to Tyler. First of all he is always with Sara and I don't know if I am ready to talk to him about it. My plan was just to act like the kiss never even happened, and know that plan has been utterly destroyed," I say.

          "If you don't tell Tyler now, Sara will eventually find out from someone else and will never forgive you. If you tell her now that you kissed Tyler maybe she will forgive you," Isabelle adds.

          "Wait now you are saying that I need to talk to Tyler and also tell Sara that I kissed Tyler?" I ask, "I need some time to myself. I'll talk to you later."

          "What about the rest of our girls night?"

          "I'll be back soon," I reply.

           I walk out of our room and try to find the academy's cafeteria. After a few wrong turns I finally end up in the cafeteria. A ton of smells engulf me at once and one smell sticks out. Melted cheese and tomato sauce. Pizza. I hustle over to the line and grab a piece, I start to walk over to the cash register but a lady stops me.

           "Trainees don't pay for their food, it's on the house," the cafeteria lady says. The cafeteria lady looks to be around her thirties, she has long dark brown hair, and light green eyes. 

          "Thanks so much," I respond, "Whats your name."

         "My name is Averi."

          "Alright bye Averi I will be sure to visit the cafe more often," I reply mostly because of the free food. I look around for a place to sit and I see a girl that I sort of recognize but can't put my finger on her name. I walk over to where she is sitting.

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