Chapter 20

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Four Days Later...

I wake up in my white hospital room. Today is the day that I am getting released. I can't wait to get out of this place. The hospital room smells very strongly of chemicals and anestheptics. It's become too familiar these last couple of days. I also can't wait to go back to training. My doctor comes in and my heart beat picks up. Finally, I get to leave this hospital room.

"Good morning, Mya. How are you feeling?" the Doctor asks me.

"I'm feeling great doctor. I think my shoulder has healed pretty well," I reply.

"Than I don't see any reason not to release you," he says before walking away.

My body is suddenly filled with energy. I am leaving and hopefully never coming back. A couple minutes later he tells me he filled out all the paper work and that I was released. When he closes the door behind him, I try to get up. My left shoulder is still in a little pain, but I am taking a special pain medicine that will take all the pain away in two days. It is a pretty advanced medicine. I'm not surprised though, we're in a superhuman academy. I gather up all the gifts and balloons that I had received in the past couple of days and headed out the door. I walked past the infirmary and the front desk. Above the desk was a picture of Mr. Benedine. I can't help but wonder why our kidnappers wanted information on him.

"Hey," Isabelle says, "how is your shoulder feeling?"

"Fine, I guess. I can't wait for training. Do you know what we are doing today in training?" I ask.

"I think we are just practicing our powers," Isabelle replies.

"Okay. Where is Sara?" I question.

"I'm not sure probably off with Tyler," she responds while wriggling her eyebrows.

Why am I falling for Tyler its clearly obvious that he isn't into me. Tyler already knows that I like him and if he liked me back I'm sure that he would have brought it up by now.

"Lets go back to the dorms, you can change, and then we will be off to training," Isabelle adds.

That's great just another day I have to watch Sara and Tyler flirt. I really need to start finding something else to do, something to get my mind off the two of them. We reach our dorms and I open the cold metal door handle and enter the room. I head over to my bed and throw on my training outfit. It smells so fresh like it hasn't been worn at all.

"Come on hurry up," Isabelle says standing in the doorway.

I run over to her, "Sorry, just have to get used to getting ready again for training and all."

She rolls her eyes and laughs a little, "Come on we are going to be late. Like we always are."

We sprint down the hallways and my shoulder is aching a little but I already took my pain medicine so I'm just going to have to deal with the pain. When we get into the large and open room I look at the clock and we made it with a minute to spare.

"Class find a partner," Coach Steiner booms out.

I look over at Isabelle and I noticed that she was looking at me too. We both nod at the same time knowing that we're partners. I look around the room and see everyone walking towards their partner. One that especially stood out were Sara and Tyler. My heart dropped in my chest. Of course they were going to be partners, they're dating.

"Today, class will not be held in the training room. We will be going outside to the training grounds to practice our powers in combat. You and your partner will be a team. Each team will be trying to defeat every other team. The team with the most points wins." Coach Steiner explains.

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