Chapter 11

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Recap: (I turn around and hear twigs snapping behind me. My eyes widen. Who are these people and what are they doing here.
      "Mya," Tyler screams, "use your power."
       I feel like I'm frozen in time, too scared to move. I've never been in this position. What if I kill somebody. What if I hurt Tyler. Before I know it I am swept up by someone and when I open my eyes I am on the opposite side of the cliff.)
      "What are we doing all the way over here, what about all the people at the academy?" I ask.
       "They can handle themselves don't you worry but I had to get you to safety," Tyler adds.
       "I can handle myself," I remark.
       "Yeah just as good as you handled yourself back there," he says sarcastically.
       I just look down knowing it's true. I have a superpower and I get nervous right when I have the chance to do good at something, to prove to people that I can do it.
       "I just need a little bit of practice."
       "It took me years to master my power. I'm not sure it will be easy to master yours, after all only a few days ago you didn't even know this world existed," Tyler acknowledges.
        "Yeah and it's been hard for me to adjust to this 'new' world," I say with a spark of anger.
         "Would you care to tell me," Tyler asks.
         "If you haven't noticed the academy is under attack and I don't feel like I have the time to share my life story," I remark and walk away trying to find if there is a way back to the academy.
          After I walk around the cliff for a while I realize that there is absolutely no way to get back. I have to find Tyler and hopefully he can use his power to get me back, but there's a problem. Tyler is nowhere to be seen. I'm stuck alone on this cliff away from the academy. Then I realized something. He left me here on purpose to protect me. Although I appreciated his gesture the academy was still in danger. What would Tyler do? What would Tyler do? I ask myself over and over again. Maybe if I thought like him I could get myself out of this situation. If I was Tyler I would teleport, but I can't do that. I keep trying to think like him and suddenly I feel different. I look down and I am wearing different clothes. Boys clothes to be exact. What just happened? I push it aside for a while still trying to find an idea to get into the academy. I close my eyes and picture the academy. Wondering what was going on inside. When I open my eyes I am inside the academy. What the heck just happened. I walk around trying to find Tyler.
            "Tyler we need you over here," one guy says looking at me. I think he's crazy because I'm obviously not Tyler.
             I start walking away when I hear the same guy yell "Tyler!"
             I ignore him and keep walking. I needed to find Isabelle. It was very hectic now. Everyone was trying to go where they were needed. Unfortunately for me, I was stuck in the traffic. A black haired girl whizzed by me.
            "Isabelle!" I scream, hoping she can hear me over the rustle of everyone. She turns around and spots me. I rush over to her.
            "Isabelle have you seen Tyler?" I ask.
            "Very funny. Shouldn't you be at your post?" Isabelle says.
            "What are you talking about. It's me, Mya," I state.
            "I'm done playing games Tyler. You need to get to your post," Isabelle says before heading back into the crowd.
             "Why does everyone keep telling me that I'm Tyler?" I whisper.
             I head in the opposite direction as Isabelle. I'm not paying attention to where I'm going and bump into someone.
             "I'm sorry," I say before looking up. When I meet the eyes of the person I bumped into I'm happy and mad.
              "Tyler I was looking all over for you. How could you just leave me on that cliff alone? What if you were in trouble?"
                His face is full of emotions. I mostly pick up on the look of confusion.
                "Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask, scared for his response.
                 "Because you look exactly like me."


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