Chapter 21

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           I look over to Isabelle and see she has concern written all over her face. If they hit one of us they win. Then I remember we only need to hit one of them to win. I look up and I see Sara duplicating into a ton of versions of herself. I can't find the real Sara. I see Tyler but then he teleports and disappears again. The Sara's start to form a circle around Isabelle and I. We are constantly turning our heads trying to find the real Sara. I hate coming in second especially to someone like Sara, she will keep reminding me that she won. My face tenses and I close my eyes. I feel anger and hate not only towards Sara but towards Tyler, and Mr. Benedine. When I reopen my eyes I see my hand sticking out. What am I doing? When I try to move it back my body doesn't allow it. My hand starts to move around in a circle and I see a blast of light coming from my hand. The Sara's start to drop like flies and soon they all disappear and I find the real Sara. 

          "We won," I yell joyfully to Isabelle.

          "What was that?" She asks with concern.

          "I don't know my body just did that, my mind had no control."

          "I think you discovered another one of your powers," Isabelle says.

          "So I can shape shift, shoot beams out of my eyes, and also I can shoot a blazing light out of my hand. What is wrong with me, why do I have all these powers?" I ask.

          "I don't know I have never known anyone with this many powers. Tyler has two powers and that is the most this academy has ever seen. You are something special," she replies.

          "I don't want to be special, I just wanna be normal," I say truthfully, "I didn't ask to come to this academy and now I have three powers. I just want everything to be back to normal."

          I start to walk away but I hear a booming voice. 

          "Congrats Isabelle and Mya for winning the challenge. You have won the rest of the day off. Everyone else report back to the training room," Coach Steiner yells.

          I hear a couple of groans and I can't help but smile. I finally get a normal afternoon. 

          I feel a hand being laid on my shoulder I turn around and see Tyler walking right next to me.

          "Good job in the arena, that's a really cool power to have. You get the afternoon off and I have to report back to training, lucky you," He says.

           I can't help but smile and my cheeks start getting red. I turn my head and I see Sara looking straight at us. I instantly take Tyler's hand off my shoulder.

           "What was that for?" He asks.

           "Got to go," I say back while running to catch up to Isabelle.

          "Good job. How come you went off on me a few minutes ago. 

           "I'm sorry it's just I really didn't want to come here. I had a life back at my old home and these people just show up one day and tell me I have to start a whole new life," I mutter.

          "Yeah but have you ever thought that anyone else felt that way. I also got taken away from my home, my life was stripped away from me. I never even got to say goodbye to my family. I write letters every week but they never send anything back. Don't just think you are the one only having it tough because we all have stories too that you have no clue about," Isabelle says.

          "I'm sorry I never knew," I mumble.

          "Yeah well you never asked. Can we just put this behind us and go back to everything being normal?" she asks.

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