Chapter 17

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              I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock. Let me tell you, I am not a morning person. I slip out of bed and notice that Isabelle is still sleeping. I try to walk to the bathroom but I misstep and fall on the floor. I look back to see what I tripped on and noticed the book, Stargirl, laying on the floor. I guess I caught the culprit. 

               Isabelle turns my way and questions, "Who's there?"

               "It's just me, Isabelle. I'm sorry I woke you up," I say.

               "I would've had to get up at some point. We have training today," Isabelle states.

              "Are you nervous?" I ask her.

              "Not really. I've fought plenty of people before. Why? Are you nervous?"

              "How could I not be. I am not very good at fighting. I'm not even good at using my powers. Last time I was in that kind of situation I froze and Tyler had to save me."

              My thoughts drift to Tyler. What is going to happen when we see each other? Will he pretend it never happened or has he already told Sara? I go into the bathroom and brush my hair and teeth. I throw my hair up into a high ponytail. I also put on the training clothes. I come out of the bathroom and Isabelle is ready to go. 

              "Let's go get this over with," I exclaim. 

                Isabelle laughs and then we both walk out. She locks the door behind us and we are on our way. This time, I arrive 5 minutes before class starts. I don't look around for Tyler. I also don't look near the door to see if he is coming in. 

                A couple minutes later Coach Bulton comes in. I stand in line next to Isabelle. I glance at my hand and notice that I am shaking. 

                "Today we will be fighting. The purpose of this is to train with using your power and to use what you learned about combat. I have already made the matching of who will fight. Some of the people fighting have already fought each other before. Here is the list of who is fighting" he announces.

                Coach Bulton then walks over to a white board and reveals who's fighting who. 

 Maddie and Elizabeth

Isabelle and Abby

Tyler and Dylan

Leah and Madison

Shane and Sebastian

Mya and Sara 

                 I read all of the names including mine. If Tyler has said anything to Sara, this is not going to go well. I am the last fight of the day. Hopefully some people will have already left so they don't have to witness me lose. Maddie and Elizabeth hop up on the mat. I don't really pay attention because I don't really know them. Also, I am too busying praying that I'm not going to die! 

              I snap out of my thoughts when Isabelle leaves my side and says, "Wish me luck."

              "Good luck," I mumble. I hope she heard me. 

             The fight begins and it looks pretty even. Isabelle has the power to control animals and that really can't help her here. Abby has the power of force fields. That is a pretty good power but, I don't think she knows how to use it too well. This fight comes basically down to who is better at combat and that is definitely Isabelle. Within a few more minutes, Isabelle has won the fight. Next up is Tyler and Dylan. This is a rematch. The first time Tyler won. They both step up to the mat. The first time, the fight lasted a very long time. This time the fight was the complete opposite. The fight didn't really last long and instead, Dylan won. Next up was Leah and Madison. I remember Leah from when she helped me with Ian. I really didn't pay attention to this fight or the next one. All I can remember is that Leah and Sebastian both won.

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