Chapter 14

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                   "Ian," I said shocked.

                   "How do you know him?" Sara questions while she looked me dead in the eye.

                  I pulled her away from Ian and said, "We used to date before I came here. I had to leave and he didn't think the long relationship would work."

                 "Well obviously the distance doesn't matter anymore, he's only inches apart from you now," Sara replied.

                 I roll my eyes and added,"Wow Sara you're so funny, but I think we have some real problems. Ian is dying right next to our feet and we are bickering, we need to get him some help." 

              "Why should we help him?" asked Sara, "I can tell he is working with the group of spies that attacked us, we should just leave him here." 

             I can't leave Ian here, spy or not, I used to love him. I needed to think of a way to convince her to get Ian some help. I got it, "Sara what if he knows information about the group of people who attacked us. We can get some vital information out of him to figure out where they are hiding out," I said convincingly. 

         Sara looks like she is debating whether or not to help him, after a few seconds Sara replied, "Alright fine lets bring him in quickly and alert Mr. Benedine that we found a spy." 

       "Alright," I mumbled while I tried to lift Ian's arm up. 

       "Oh ... and I almost, can you not tell anyone that I used to date Ian. I don't want to make anything awkward," I requested.

         "What? Do you not want someone to be jealous," Sara smirked.

         I can't tell Sara that I might have feelings for Tyler, who happens to be her boyfriend. Right now I need friends. The only friend I have here is Isabelle. If Sara finds out that I like Tyler that is going to put a dent in our friendship.

          "Please Sara," I beg.

           "Sure," Sara said while she rolled her eyes. 

            We drag Ian to the cliff and Sara scans her hand. My hand is still not registered into the system. The door opens and we walk in. 

            "Can someone please help us?" I scream to no one in particular. 

            "Hey, what happe..." I heard a voice say. The person stopped talking when she looked at Ian. I assume it's a girl because she has a high pitched voice.

            "Can you help us?" I ask the stranger.

             The person comes into view and I recognized her from when I fought Sara. I am pretty sure that Isabelle introduced her to me. I think her name was Leah. 

             "Of course. What do you want me to do?" she asks.

            "Can you go get a doctor. He needs medical attention as soon as possible," Sara says, taking control. I am kind of glad she did. I don't do well under pressure.

            "I'm on it," Leah says while rushing out of the room. 

            "And you," Sara says looking at me, "You need to stay with him. I am going to tell Mr. Benedine that we have a visitor."

            "You sure that you don't want me to go tell him?" I ask Sara.

             "Positive. Besides he needs to be near someone he knows. It might be good for him to see a familiar face," she comments before walking away.

             Leah comes back soon panting, "he's... right...,"

             The doctor soon comes into view. By now, I think Ian has passed out from lack of blood. 

            "Will you please help him," I say to the doctor.

            "We will do the best we can," he affirmed before walking away. 

             "Wait! I have a question," I say while trying to catch up to the doctor.

              "What is it Miss."

              "When will I be able to see the patient?"

              "I would visit in a couple of hours."

               "Okay. Thanks."

               The doctor hurried away in the direction of where Ian went. I am know just standing in the middle of the room alone. I decide that I am going to head to my dorm room. I kind of rush there afraid of what is going to happen to Ian. My head is spinning and I can't focus on where I am going. I suddenly bump into someone.

               "I am so sorry," I say apologetic. 

                "It's fine," a voice says. I look up and notice that it's Tyler. 

                "Hey Tyler," I say.

                 "Where were you during training?" he asked me. 

                 Only now do I look at the clock. It's almost 1:00. I haven't even had lunch yet. 

                I was about to explain what happened when Tyler asked, "have you seen Sara lately?"

               "Okay, hopefully this won't take a while. I'm going to try to make it short but with a lot of details. Here it goes. I couldn't sleep so I went out to the cliff. Out on the cliff I saw Sara. I went over to her and we talked for a little bit. When we were talking we heard a scream. Sara and I went over to check it out. It happened to be one of my friends from my old school named Ian. We took him to the hospital and then here we are."

               I purposely leave out that Ian was my old boyfriend and that he was part of the spy group that attacked us.

                  "Do you know where she is now?"

                  "Yes. Sara went to tell Mr. Benedine that Ian is in the hospital."

                  "Thanks Mya," Tyler said before walking away. 

                   "Hey," I regret that I said it right away.

                   Tyler turns around and says, "yeah."

                   "Do you want to hang out later?" I ask him. Why did I ask him that. If Sara finds out she is going to kill me. I hope that he doesn't say no. It would make me look like even more of a fool.

                    "Sure," he replies. He smiles as he walks away.

                   To be completely honest, I was surprised with his answer. I turn around and continue to walk to my dorm. I smile all the way there. I use my key and unlock the door.

                    I walk in and sort of scream, "Isabelle!"

                   There was no reply so I assumed she wasn't here. I walked over to my bed and plopped down. I grab and can of pringles and start eating them. I also grab my book off the nightstand and start reading it. Currently, I am reading Let It Snow. I love the book so far. It seems like I read for 30 minutes before my eyes started to get heavy. I put my bookmark in and place it and put it back on my nightstand. I close my eyes and before long, I am asleep.   

A/N: Hello. I hope you like this chapter. If you have any suggestions for the next chapter leave them in the comments. I think I am going to write another chapter over to weekend. 

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