Chapter 18

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            I hear people talking all around me and soon, my eyes are wide awake. I look to to sides of me and see Isabelle and Sara tied up in a chair just like I am. I look around and we are in a huge cell. Those spies are in for it, when the academy realizes that we have been taken they will instantly send help. Wait, they have no clue where we are.

            "Finally you are up,"Sara says trying to enlighten the mood, "Where do you think we could be?"

            I look around and I see a small window, but I am no where near it and have no chance of getting a glance at what's outside.

          "Isabelle use your powers," I say.

            "I've already tried many times. My hands are tied, so I am helpless," Isabelle responds.

           "Why don't you try you're heat vision power?"

           "Okay I will give it a shot," I mutter.

          I look down at the rope connecting me to this chair. I think of heat and fire, when I reopen my eyes, nothing has changed.

            "What happened?" I ask, "That should have worked."

            "Well it obviously didn't," Sara claims.

            "The spies who kidnapped us know that we have powers," Isabelle says trying to make sense of whats going on here. Then her eyes suddenly get very large," I figured it out, somehow we are in a room that strips our powers away from us."

            "How can there be a room for that?" Sara asks.

            "Not sure, but the spies must have made some major improvements. This would have never existed fifty years ago." Isabelle replies.

          "Okay, now we need a plan to," I was instantly cut off by voice getting louder and louder.

          I look at Sara and Isabelle and they both don't know what to do. 

          "Why hello," a voice says coming from the other side of the prison cell door. There is a tall man, with short brown hair and dark brown eyes. He is wearing all black which means he was probably there when we got kidnapped. 

          I look down thinking I was staring too long. We are all silent, not one of us makes a sound. We are all too afraid to answer.

          "Are you hungry?" the man asks.

           Just now I realize the aching pain in my stomach, I am starving.

            "You can eat all you want if you give us information on Rick Bendine."

            Why would they want information on Mr. Benedine? I don't know what they want with him, but whatever it is it can't be good. All of us keep our heads down, not willing to say anything.

            "You guys will have to eat soon or later, its just a matter of time," and with that we are left alone again. 

             I let out a sigh of relief now that he is gone. 

            "What are we going to do. We can't just sit here and make ourselves starve to death," Sara say, "and we can't just sit around waiting for help to come."

            "What do you imply?" I ask.

            "There has to be a way out of here, something we haven't thought of yet."

            I think long and hard, what can I do. Then it hits me.

            "Guys," I whisper, "I may have an idea."

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