Chapter 3.2 - Her Reasons To Die

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Chapter 3.2 - Her Reasons To Die

“Babe, here you go.” Heathe said, handing the video camera to Glamour.

“Thanks, babe.” she said, giving him a quick kiss on the lips. I cringed at the sight. I was never fond of couples publicly displaying their affection.

“What are you gonna do with that?” he asked, leaning on her bed. We were in her bedroom, it was furnished expensively. She shrugged, scrolling through her laptop.

“I’m just gonna leave it there.” she said, he moved forward to whisper something in her ear.

“Post it online and ruin both of them.” he whispered, her eyes widened and looked at him like he was crazy.

“That’s going a bit too far, she already got humiliated, and then you had her raped by a close friend of mine. I think she’d been through enough.” she said, looking away.

“She’s already humiliated that’s why another humiliating thing added to the list won’t hurt.” he said, trying to persuade her.

“I don’t know, babe.” she muttered thoughtfully.

“Remember what she did to you, and to your family?” he said. Her eyes darkened like she was remembering something terrible. She grabbed the video camera and a chord and started copying the file and later posting it on the internet, mailing the link to every person I know.

Silent tears were falling from my eyes, I don’t even know what I did to deserve it. When the deed was done, she looked at him and he had a mischievous glint to his eyes. “Well done.” he said and with that he kissed her.

The scene changed and we were standing in a hallway, people passing through us. I stared at Glamour who was walking with her head low, her mascara ruining her face. People were whispering about her, and she walked fast pushing people away.

"Ew, why is she shaking?"

"Hey is it true she killed Morgan?"

"OMG she looks so pathetic."

"So I guess it is true when they said her mom was a wrecker."

"No wonder why they're filty rich."

She walked focused on her feet and not on anyone else. She passed Heathe, she stopped and looked at him, his teammates stared at her like she was some pest they can’t wait to get rid off.

“I need to talk to you.” she said, he scoffed and his teammates laughed.

“How about no?” he said, turning away from her. His friends close behind him. She grabbed his arm before he could move any further, he gave her an irritated look and told the guys to wait  for him.

He dragged her outside, past the doors. The scene changed and I was suddenly watching their conversation.

“Why did you dump me?” she asked, he looked at her with distain.

“Why did you kill her?” he retorted, her eyes widened and more tears streamed down her face.

“I didn’t kill her!” she yelled, pushing his chest.

“Please, your names were written on the walls! Geneva’s, Stanley’s and yours.” he narrowed his eyes. “It’s because of what you all did to her.”

“Don’t act so innocent! You were with us when we did the deed, without me, you wouldn’t be the quarterback!”

“Sure, tell that to people because they’d believe a desperate girl who’s broke beyond belief and who’s only putting up a front that she’s still capable of ending their lives with her mother’s   filthy money instead of the new quarterback.” he crossed his arms over his chest. “You know what, you’re not any better than her. You’re just as gullible.”

Her eyes widened with shock. “Take that back.” she muttered.

“No, I won’t. Don’t act so innocent either, you used me as well. Don’t you think I know?” he said in a low voice, pushing her against the wall. She suddenly looked at him with alarm.

“I didn’t use you! I loved you!” she yelled, tears leaving her eyes.

“Well guess what, I didn’t love you.” he spat, it seemed to hit her like a jab to the gut. “You’re just like her mom, you’re home wrecker.” 

“You don’t mean that.” she whispered.

“But I do! You don’t think I know that you’re fooling around with my brother behind my back?! Well, I don’t care anymore. You should just drop it too, so why are you here? Looking for a little action, beg me to take you back, which is it?” he said, pushing his body close to her, and kissing her torridly. She struggled, trying to push him away. His hands snaked inside her shirt, and inside her pants. “This is what you want isn’t it? You’re not satisfied with my brother so you’d fool around with me too, is that it?”

“Stop it! STOP!” she yelled, he grabbed her hair and threw her to the ground. She landed with a thud knees first on the pavement.

“I have no use for you anymore. You’re not better than her,” he whispered. “So why not just go and kill yourself too.” he said, spitting at her before he left.

She collapsed on the ground, sobbing like a child.

Constantine held my hand and the image disappeared.


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