Chapter 5.1 - My Fifth Reason

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Chapter 5.1 - My Fifth Reason

"Morgan where's my beer?! MORGAN?! ARE YOU DEAF OR SOMETHING?!" my mother yelled at me as I crawled inside the door, too weak to walk on my on feet. She grabbed a fistful of my hair and started throwing me like a small worn doll. I landed against the wall, a bone cracking in the process, possibly my rib. I winced aloud but my mother only took that as encouragement.

"What did you with my money?! HUH?!" She grabbed my shirt and pulled me up, I struggled to get away from her grip but it was no use, she slapped me across the face, punched me in the ribs, dragged me by my hair towards the kitchen. She grabbed a pair of scissors and cut my hair. I was crying, scratching her arms, yelling for her to stop but she was far from being done.

"MOM PLEASE STOP!!! MOM PLEASE!" I pleaded but it was useless. She punched and kicked me, yelling at me things that a mother should never have said to her child. “YOU ARE A WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT!” she yelled. 

She kicked me out of the door, and she locked the door behind me. I pounded on the door but she won't budge, I ran towards the back door but she locked it as well. 

“I HATE YOU! I WISH YOU WEREN’T MY MOM!” I yelled as loud as I could hoping she’d hear those words. I collapsed on the ground, in the cold night. I was so weak. I will always be weak.

I stared at my pitiful body lying unconscious on the dead grass, a tear escaped my eyes as I remembered this day like it happened yesterday, oh right it did. It seemed like ages ago when I committed suicide in my bathroom.

Constantine brushed pass by my shoulder, motioning for me to come inside. I went through the door with ease, and I found my mom leaning against it. She was sobbing uncontrollably, it was the first time I saw my mom cry. It made me cry all the more harder.

“What have I done?!” she whispered, her head was in her hands now. She scrambled to her feet and opened the door, she trudged down the steps to find my unconscious body on the grass. “Morgan!” she said, hurrying towards me. She did her best to carry me all the way inside. She placed me on the couch. My eyes filled with tears, she took me inside. I thought someone else found me because she was gone the following day. 

“You’ve been gone for three days, Morgan! What happened to you?! I was worried sick!" she whispered, kissing my forehead. "I’m sorry, baby. Mommy’s sorry.” The phone rang and she stood up from me to answer it.

“Hello?” she said, Constantine placed a hand to her shoulder, and took my hand.

“Hello, this is the man that you owe.” a voice said on the other end. Her eyes widened. She owes someone?! “Do you have the money?” he asked.

“Y-yes. I’ll bring it to you.” she said, dropping the call. Constantine released his hand on her shoulder. She grabbed her bag, opened the door and gave me one last look.

“I love you, Morgan.” she whispered. “And I’ve always wished to have a daughter like you.”

I sobbed harder, staggering backwards. Constantine steadied my shoulders. “The last thing that I said to her was I hate you.” I whispered, running a hand through my hair. “I’m a horrible daughter.”

“No, you aren’t. You’re acting like every normal teenager in the entire planet. Come on, there’s more.” he said, gently taking my hand.


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