Lights Out

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Kate and Richard are cuddled on the couch, Martha is off to the hamptons with Alexis in only hours for a month out of the summer, so the nice breeze makes the Castle's night all the more special.

Kate grabbed Rick tight as the horror music in the movie spiked, horror comedy movie but Kate always liked to hold onto Rick, making sure he was there. Rick always enjoyed protecting Kate, holding her close, nothing in the world could change how special they both felt at this moment.

Martha walked downstairs,

"Hello darlings, me and Alexis changed our plans a little, we are leaving tomorrow but don't worry, we will be off to the hamptons soon enough."

"Alright mother, sounds great." Castle said as he turned his head to face her but then back to the movie and Kate.

Martha walked back upstairs probably to go to sleep or watch TV with Alexis.

"Too bad they aren't going tonight, I was hoping we would have some privacy tonight." Kate said to Rick quietly.

"Well there's always tomorrow night, or I can be quiet." Rick said back.

"You say that now." Kate told him, Rick made his little excited face as he though about the possibilities, Kate always surprised him with new kinky activities.

Then in a second the lights went out, all of them, the tv cut out the lights burned out and no one could see a thing.

"Babe, is this a prank?" Beckett asked Rick just in case it was a trick to get her to snuggle closer to him in fear.

"No but if you want I can hold you tighter, and we finally have some privacy." Castle said even though he was surprised and fearful himself.

Kate didn't want to jump to conclusions so she just leaned in much closer to Rick, but she was ready to jump for her gun.

"Everyone ok?" Alexis said from the top of the stairs.

"Yeah lex! Just a power outage, don't worry!" Kate yelled back to her.

Then there were flashes of light, and pounding noises... Gunshots.

"Alexis go back upstairs!" Richard yelled. You

Beckett ran into the bedroom with Castle, she grabbed her gun and Castle asked in the dark,

"Want my writer vest?!" He grabbed it out of the closet.

"Quick babe." Kate said as he slipped the vest on her.

Richard POV
It's all happening so fast, and I won't even say how much of this seems like it could be a sexual prank, we ran into the bedroom, and then she said "quick babe" but not tonight. The only reason I let her go out is because Kate has the police training, and me, I supply the bulletproof gear.

Kate ran out of the bedroom after telling Rick to stay in there unless she called for him.

She peered through the mail slot, there was a man with a gun, but he had it lowered, Beckett unlocked the door and stepped out, she could see a little thanks to the moon light.

"I am a detective with the NYPD! Drop your weapon!" Kate yelled into the distance as she saw a tall figure come out of the light.

"I can't! I will get my revenge!!" A voice yelled back, it was a female now pointing a gun and Beckett.

"Drop the gun or I drop you!" Beckett yelled at her.

"I can't! Just-just let me go! I won't shoot you, but he has to go!"

"Listen, you need to drop the gun now, you'll be okay if you end it like this, so I'm going to count to three drop the gun by then." Beckett spoke "1-2-3!"

The woman with the gun fired a warning shot at Beckett and ran off, Kate couldn't get a clean shot so she got to run, Kate following.

Damn Kate thought to herself, why my loft? Well, The Castle's Loft. She ran a bit quicker in pursuit.

"Drop your weapon, okay! Stop!" Beckett fired off two shots as the woman turned around and pointed her gun.

The woman fell to the ground bleeding from the shoulder, Beckett kicked her gun away and shouted for the door man to call 911.

Castle was shaking with worry now, he knew Beckett said to stay put but he decided to run downstairs and see her.

"Kate!?" He said running to where the body was, for a moment it looked like Kate was lying there.

"Yeah Rick." She said giving Castle a wave of relief when he saw her alive and on the phone.

He quickly shut up and when Beckett hung up he gave her a hug.

Hey readers! This is my newest story so I hope it is enjoyed! My other castle fanfics are THE WAY OUT and NO I NEVER I also have a book of one shots, all completed except I often add to the one shots. Please check them out if you like Caskett Fanfic!

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