It Hit Everyone

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As the scene cleared, Kate had to answer some questions, but Rick was beside her.

Percy had killed Cedric, his brother, and was arrested for rapping Kate, as well as murder.

Alexis got the news, she couldn't stop thinking that if she hadn't had the party Kate wouldn't have left, and she wouldn't have been harmed. So Alexis said she needed time and Colin gave her some space.

Rick was still in a bit of shock, but he was just to happy that Kate was safe to really do anything.

As days pressed on, Kate was still recovering, most days she just laid beside Rick, but she wasn't ready for sex for a while.

As weeks pressed on, Alexis and Martha came home, and comforted Kate, but continued with their lives.

As months pressed on, Kate and Rick got much closer, if that is possible. Kate got over it, and they started talking about a lawsuit. But Kate was having signs of being pregnant, and she could stop thinking about how it might not be Rick's.

"I just don't want to have to talk about it anymore Rick, I just want to go back to work and forget everything."

"Of course, that bastard will pay, he'll get life in prison for this, don't you worry."

"I'd appreciate if you let me deal with me own feelings, I can handle this Rick." Kate said, slipping out of his grasp.

"Kate, I get it, please, just let me comfort you." He said, grabbing her hand and pulling her closer to him.

Kate didn't know how to react, she hadn't told Rick about the flashbacks, and for a moment she didn't see Rick's face, she only saw Percy's, she shoved and punched at Rick, trying to get away, he let go and was pushed to the couch, Kate ran off to the bedroom, and locked the door, Rick didn't know what had hit him.

"Kate?" He asked, walking to the bedroom, but not touching the doorknob, "I'm sorry, it's Rick, can I come in?"

"Get the fuck away from me!" Kate yelled back, she was curled up at the foot of the bed with her gun, and Rick could hear the tears in her voice.

"Alright." Rick said comforting, "I'm gonna go Kate, just call me if you want me to come back."

He didn't expect a response, but Kate came out, her gun still in hand, but she set it down as she saw it was him, she ran to Rick, and hugged him, she held onto him tight and just cried to him.

"I'm so sorry."

"It's ok Kate, I love you."

"Always?" She said through tears.


Kate lead Rick into the bedroom, they both crawled into the bed, she got lost in his ocean blue eyes, he was her ocean, he got lost in her hazel eyes, he was his missing piece, the beat to his heart, the lyrics to his music, his all and everything.

"Why do you love me?" Kate asked,

"Because you are my missing piece, Kate, because although we have had tough times we get through them, and because everything I have, isn't complete until you are a part of it. Because I will never stop needing you, not unless you need me to go."

Kate almost had tears in her eyes,

"I love you too, we are the puzzle pieces and our family is the puzzle, Rick, I know you know I'm pregnant, I mean, look at me, my stomach is huge, but what would happen if it's not yours? I mean, with all this."

"Kate, listen to me, I will love the baby no matter what, because no matter what happens it is half you, so it's got to be amazing, and I just know in my heart it's ours, mine and yours, should we open the letter?"

"What letter?" Kate asked.

"The doctor gave me a letter, it has the gender of our baby written down, do we want to know?"

"I do,"

"Me too," Rick said, he grabbed the letter from his night side table.

"Ok? Ready?"

"Yes." Kate said, holding Rick's hand.

"We are going to have a baby girl!" He said, with a huge grin and a laugh of love.

"Rick, I'm so happy!" Kate said, grabbing his face in for a kiss.

"She will be the happiest, cutest girl we've ever seen, five months from now we will be sitting here, with a bundle of joy."

"Thank you Rick."

"You're welcome? For what,"

"For saving me, for bringing me into your life, for being my missing half."

"Always, and I got you something."

"Alright, what is it?"

"See," He said, grabbing a small box, it had two charms, one of a small pink heart, the other a very tiny red book.

"They are beautiful, i love this," Kate said, looking at the charms.

"So you always have a piece of us with you, even though we won't be leaving your side ever." Rick said, putting his hand on her waist, and kissing Kate, she didn't know it then, but she wouldn't be having anymore worries about Percy.

Hope you liked the big update on the story! I'm going to do a flash forward in the next chapter so expect that... ❤️💛💚💙💜

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