Was it Worth It?

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"What could have happened?" Kate asked Rick for his opinion as they laid in bed.

"She wouldn't have- couldn't have done this alone, her friends, just-you know Alexis." Richard replied, still not even a little bit asleep.

"Yeah, we'll talk to her when her friends are gone, but she didn't seem drunk."

"Yeah only her friends, wait- isn't one or two of them 19!"

"I think so, oh my god, they didn't just have a party."

"They broke laws." Rick finished her sentence.

"Yeah, Rick what are you doing?"

"I'm going to talk to them." Rick said, standing up and putting on a robe and slippers.

"Just do it tomorrow!" Kate whispered to him sternly.

Rick stood motionless for a moment and thought, "alright." He said, just removing his slippers and going back into the bed.

"There you go." Kate said, pulling herself closer to him, "although who doesn't have a crazy party story?"

"I've got plenty, just-"


"I never threw the parties, oh wait, ok that one time."

"Tell me," Kate said, also remembering her crazy parties in collage.

"So it was summer break, almost school coming back, we needed a night off so I got some brews for me and my friends, but they invited girls who invited-" Rick stopped, "that's what happened, her friends invited people who invited people, and before I knew it the party was crazy, although at my party the cops didn't come though, and mother never found out."

"My little rebel." Kate said, nuzzling into Rick's chest, smelling his scent and relaxing to it, eventually falling asleep while Rick lay with his thoughts, wide awake.

Richard Castle POV
I know this isn't Alexis's fault, she's always been more outgoing with friends, sadly now their old enough to get into real trouble, she's acting like its a high school party, she's old enough that I'm getting over it, it's the damage and the possibilities of what could have happened that I'm mad about.

As the house slowly calmed down Rick was the last to submit to sleep, drowning into his pillow and holding on to Kate.

_-The Morning-_
Alexis woke up to her friends laughing, she didn't realize Jordan was still passed out and as she sat up and put her feet down on the ground, her feet touching her friends head.

"Sorry-" Alexis said as she siked up her feet as she felt her friend. "Jordan?" She said surprised Jordan didn't wake because of this.

"Jordan!" Alexis spring to her feet and shook her friend to wake her. "Jordan!" She screamed again.

"What is it lex?" Lauren asked,

"She won't wake up!" Alexis said pausing her shaking.

"Oh shit!" Maddison noticed this now.

"What happened last night?" Alexis asked,

"Well she was with us but a guy was hitting on her-" Chelsea said chocking back tears.

"She went outside with him, and came back, after a while she started acting weird, then when there was a fight she just wanted to party and then passed out!" Lauren said, staying calm along with Alexis, while watching Chelsea freak out and Maddison look through Jordan's bag to find anything, they all knew she was drugged.

"Oh my god!" Maddison said, pulling out pepper spray,

"Really?" Alexis asked, clearly not amused.

"And this." She said pulling a dime of weed from Jordan's pocket.

"Holy-" Alexis was cut off by her father walking in and seeing all this.

"What's going on?" He asked, rushing to the girls but still standing,

"She took drugs, and got drunk, now Jordan's passed out!" Alexis said,

"Kate!" He yelled checking Jordan's pulse.

"She's alive right?" Lauren asked in panic; Rick nodded his head in approval to her question.

"What?" Kate asked as she walked in and saw what was going on.

"Alexis?" She said, not abel to see who was on the floor,

"Yeah!" Alexis said as she saw Kate; Alexis calmed down a bit now, but not much.

"Jordan?" Kate said as she saw the girl on the floor,

"Wh--" Jordan said quietly as she woke up. "Who is it?"

"What happened last night girls?" Rick asked while Kate tended to the waking girl.

"She took-" Lauren started,

"I've heard enough, she needs a doctor." Kate stated.

"I'll call 911." Alexis said, grabbing her phone,

"No we will drive her." Kate said as she motioned for Rick to leave, he went to get the car keys.

Alexis started crying at everything that had happened, she couldn't stand it, and she threw her friends stuff in their bags.

As Rick came back with the keys and some water he helped Kate carry Jordan to the car, they drove to the nearest hospital, Alexis made her friends pack, and made it clear that she wouldn't be texting any time soon, but they left before Kate and Rick got home.

"Marijuana?" Kate said in shock as the nurse told her Jordan's state.

"Yes, about two ounces were found in her system along with an overdose of alcohol and cough syrup." The nurse replied.

Kate POV
This is more than I thought, Rick just froze and couldn't speak, so I handled it, we made a phone call to her parents and after a little shock they said they were on there way, I sound like a high schooler but oh my god! How did she get that stuff??

Rick followed Kate into the waiting room, Kate said to wait there and walked out of the hospital, she went into a near convince store, and grabbed one item and went to the counter to pay.

Hey! Sorry it took me longer that usual to update... Busy with life. I'll try my best to update soon!💥💥

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