The Haul

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Beckett and her team were speeding off to where Castle's office was, following the kids.

The four children were still blasting music which only helped the team seek them out.

"Damn!!" The passenger yelled.

"Stop the car!!" The two girls shouted inside their vehicle.

"No! We can't!" The driver yelled, he shut off the radio as Ryan and Espos loud speaker came on. Pull over silver ford RS200. This is your first warning! The cop car blasted.

Then the music went back on, but softer this time, the kids kept going. Speeding much closer to Rick's office, worrying Kate.

Kate wanted to pull over and call Rick, just in case, but she didn't.

Rick was sitting at his desk, he attended to his paper work, or lack of it. Now he sat and played on his computer, he didn't have the inspiration to write so his screen flashed a car racing game. When he crashed his car and lost the game he was going to walk out when he heard a motor running, he walked back to see if he shut down his laptop when there was a huge ear splitting crash, and glass shards flew across his path.

Richard dove to the ground and soon relieved what happened, a car crashed through his doors and he dodged it just in time.

Beckett and the team had been racing to cut the kids off, they were seconds to late, Kate screamed out to Rick,

"Richard!!" She yelled as loud as she could. Her gun was not drawn.

"Kate!" Richard called back in a low yell, he was in too much of a shock to call out loudly.

"Rick!" Kate stepped into the rubble, the boys were checking for the kids.

Kate tug through the glass and concrete to find the greatest sight she could imagine, a pair of blue eyes and brown hair with a surprising smile, Rick was alright, just a little scratch on his left leg.

"You ok?" Kate asked.

"Never better." Rick replied with a smile.

"Then shut up and kiss me." Kate said looking him in the eyes as he followed her orders.

"We got them!" Espo shouted to Beckett when he and his partner pulled out two of the kids from the car, both the backseat, the driver crawled out himself and the passenger didn't move. Not even make a sound.

"Perry!" The driver called out as he motioned for someone to come over, the passenger was still inside the car.

"We got him." Espo said to the had been driver to get him out of the way.

Esposito and a team of officers pulled out the lifeless body of Perry, he was taken quickly by an ambulance and Kate broke the kiss to take Rick to an EMT van who gave him a small bandaid, his cut wasn't as bad as Kate had thought, her heart still beat like a mouse, a million times a second.

Kate POV
What if he had died? The fact is I could have stopped this, cut off the car or just anything, I don't even know how Rick could be feeling now. He seems so strong in all of this, he is partner and my friend, he is my fantastic lover and the man I've given my heart to, I can't believe I could have lost him.

Rick POV
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared, but when I heard Kate's voice I knew I would be fine, I'm not being strong for her, I truly believe that I know how to take care of myself. Kate couldn't be more amazing in any way, she's incredible, it's her I'm worried about. Maybe she can get that week off to go the hamptons? It would be a great time.

The scene slowly calmed, so did Kate. It would take a while for any updates on the passenger but he was in the hospital. The three other kids were Marcus, Rebecca, and Tory.

Espo was talking to Marcus, the driver, he was found to be only thirteen, and five months the boy added. He wanted to impress his military uncle, but the detectives realized what a horrible idea that was. The two other girls would only talk to Beckett, so Castle was left alone for a few minutes while Kate learned that Rebecca and Tory were both thirteen as well, all four kids went to the same school, and all in the same grade, 8th.

"I swear I didn't mean to hurt anyone!" Marcus yelled at no one in particular.

"Yo! Kid, we know, just relax, your parents are on the way." Espo said to the frantic child.

"NO!! They can't come here!" Marcus said even more alarmed as he took off.

"Marcus! Come back!" Javier ran after him.

"My parents can't be here!" The boy freaked out as he picked up speed.

"Marcus!" Javier sped along with the boy.

They had a chase for a while until Marcus grew out of breathe and Javier gained speed,

"Boy. Those are some legs, but you can't run from the cops!"

"Yeah I can. Everyone in my family does." Marcus said with a puff and a sigh, but he was trying to be serious.

"Dude, it's alright. But I'm not gonna lie to you, this joy ride of yours is over, and you might be doing time for it.

"Like it juvy?"

"I said I wouldn't lie, chances are yes." Javier said as he walked back to the scene with the boy. "Look, I can vouch for you, I'll go to bat but you better give me a darn good reason why this happened."

"I-I-" the boy stopped, almost to think for the right words, or an excuse that Espo would like. "I was trying to impress my uncle."

"You told me that kid, he's in the military. Who the hell takes care of you?"

"My mom and dad, but they, their gone a lot and then it's just me and my sister."

"Who's she?" Espo asked. "Your sister?"

"her names Macy, and did you say my parents are coming? Cuz their out of down."

"Yeah, we had to call them, you could have gotten hurt there bud, and your friend is in the hospital."

"I know it was a dumb ass move." He said, "and it wasn't for my uncle, it was for a girl." Marcus said but then went quite, he was done talking. Except for an "oh fuck." Under her breath when he saw his parents.

I'm so glad that my stories are getting reads, and votes! Please comment any ideas or your thoughts on my work!

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