Got Your Back

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Espo and Marcus were back at the scene, much to his parents dismay,

"Marcus Leon Bridges!!" His mother screamed at him, "you are in a heap of trouble mister! Running from the cops?!? Joy riding!! You better hope that we don't let you die in your room!"

"Mam, I'm sorry can you calm down? We would appreciate it." Espo butted in.

"Ugh! Marcus! Sit down, don't move!" The mother said as she walked to a place where she could sit with Esposito.

Marcus's father sat by him, even more furious than his mother. Ryan spoke to the father and son, both parents had been at a casino and the father who was overly intoxicated went by Marco Bridges. The boy's mother is Helena Bridges.

"What's the damage?" Marco asked.

"Sir, we need to assess the damage but a possible life, of one of your sons friends, and about fifteen thousand to the structure." Ryan replied.

"Damn it! Marcus! You did this shit with your friends! God damn it!" The drunk dad was to angry to see straight, so Kevin said he would contact the family later.

Marcus POV
I'm so sorry, I really am. I know I can't get the girl in the end, Erica is out of my league. But maybe she could notice me? I'll see, my dad and mom are beyond pissed and I hope uncle Ben isn't too mad. I fucked up, Perry could die. I'm so sorry.

Esposito knew that Marcus was sorry and then the detective went to get an update on Perry Derkson.

The children's parents kept coming to the scene, although Marcus's family was the only one that would be paying.

A lot of apologizing happened, from kids to parents, from parents to cops, from kids to kids, any way you can think of.

When the Derksons arrived Perry's mother Jennifer was crying, his father was staying strong and getting the facts, the lawyer Michael was prepared for a lawsuit.

"Where is my son?" Michael asked.

"He is in the critical care unit at the children's hospital on Fredrick street sir." Kevin rushed to tell him.

"Why my baby?!!" Jennifer said before collapsing in a heap of tears.

"Jen, he's alive. Let get to the hospital." Her husband said scooping her into his arms.

"Ok." She sniffled.

"Yo get me a squad car!" Espo yelled to Ryan, who motioned for a field cop to take them to the hospital, full speed.

As Jennifer and Michael were taken by cop car to the hospital Rick was laying on Kate's shoulder, his head tucked into her shoulder.

"So are we even now?" Kate asked him,

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Well you saved me from my house fire and I tug you out of the rubble, so are we even?"

"I suppose." Rick said slyly.

"What?" Kate asked seeing his look.

"Nothing." Said Rick as he turned away but Kate got the idea.

She glanced quickly to the front of his pants and then waved to Ryan.

"Hey guys." He spoke to them as he walked closer.

"Hey, how is everyone holding up?" Beckett asked,

"We got scared parents, but the kids don't have any flesh wounds, how you doing Castle?"

"I'm doing good? I guess." Rick responded.

"Alright, we got the scene if you want to go home." Ryan told the pair.

"How's Richard Castle Investigations?" Castle asked before he hopped in Kate's car.

"Front is totaled, your computer system are good though." Ryan said giving him a thumbs up and heading closer to the building.

"Yes!" Rick said as he got into Kate's car, his was damaged by the concrete so he left it.

"So babe." Kate said as she looked into his eyes. "I'm so glad your ok." She said putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm fine Kate, I'm not going anywhere, except maybe the Hamptons with you?" He asked, "did you get work off?"

"Yes!" She said happily, "for the whole week." She added, "so should we celebrate?"

"I think we should do more than that." Rick said while Kate started up the car for the house.

They sped along towards the loft like it was there last night on earth, taking glances into each other's eyes, and kissing at every stop.

When they got home Kate went around from her side to help Rick out. He leaned on her for support to get out but then walked fine into the house.

"Champagne or wine?" Kate asked as they stepped into the loft.

"Let's go for champagne tonight, I have a nice bottle." He added to her sentence automatically.

"Alright," she said bringing two glasses and the bottle over.

Rick popped the bottle by putting his hand on the neck of the bottle and popping the cork with a little force, Kate giggled as it looked like he was straggling the bottle and he made an angry face when he did it.

Kate poured the glasses as they both sat on the couch, Rick stood up and got a small box of chocolate from the drawer attached to the dark wooden side table on his side of the couch.

Kate hovered her fingers over the box, picking out one that she broke in half and fed to Rick.

"Umm." He said taking the chocolate and trying to nibble at Kate's fingers.

Kate laughed as she watched him, she set her glass on the coffee table and Rick dropped the box onto the floor as they both leaned in for a kiss.

Kate put her arms on either side of Rick as she pressed her body against his, he wrapped his arms around her in a hug and limited the space between them.

I will add the next chapter soon! Hope you have enjoyed the story and if you did please vote and comment! Also check out my reading lists and other works. Thanks readers! :•>

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