One Night Stand

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"Kate Kate Kate." A voice spoke, it wasn't a familiar one.

"Rick, I think I hit my head last night, what is it?" She asked.

"Oh sweetie, it's not Rick, no no no, I'm Percy, darling flower."

Kate tried to sit up, but she was handcuffed to a bed, she couldn't move, and her eyes were fuzzy.

"Get me out of here!" She tried to scream.

"Nah, I'll come back later, get some rest my beautiful."

Kate's POV
Holy hell, what is happening? My head hurts, and I can't really see. The last thing I remember is waking up in the middle of the night- naked. I was with Rick in bed, and I got up to go to the bathroom, then I heard a knock- or rather something hitting the door violently, so I looked out the peep hole and didn't see anything, so I grabbed my gun and threw on a robe, then I went out and everything went dark after a thud on my head.

Rick's POV
She's gone- her phone is here, and the note IS NOT her hand writing. I- I- I just can't lose her again.

{Two Hours Later}
Rick had called the boys, yes, at around six in the morning he needed them, and since she is an adult- they can't do much until it's been 24 hours so Rick took things into his own hands, he planned out his actions.

Kate was now on a floor, cement, she noticed. Her head still hurt but her vision was coming back, and she saw a man.

"Hey darling, I brought chocolate." The man spoke.

"Where am I? Who are you?" She asked.

"I'm your husband- Percy, babe, your at home." He responded.

HOLY SHIT! She thought, but just sat there stunned and frozen from fear.

She knew that this man wasn't Richard, and she had never met him. Obviously messed up she thought to herself.

There was nothing to do but wait, wait for Rick to save her- or would it be too late?

She whispered to herself- "Rick." To try to comfort herself.

She didn't know but Richard was talking to himself at that same time, trying to stay sane, he had just said, "Kate" aloud.

Although Kate soon regretted whispering to herself, "Percy" heard and moved closer, holding her neck and waist in his hands.

"What did you just say?" He growled sternly.

"Nothings-" Kate stuttered back.

"I think you said RICK!" He growled.

"No no I," She tried to stay calm, but was sure he could feel herself shake.

"Have you cheated on me!" He yelled in her ear, making Kate wince. "We are married! You just betrayed me!" He added in another yell.

"Let me go!" Kate tried to get out of his grip, but Percy raised his hand and slapped her- hard enough to knock Kate to the ground, and she was crying.

"You won't leave! And Rick-" He said in a mocking voice, "isn't a part of your life!"

"Let me out of here!" Kate lost it, she threw a punch even though she was handcuffed and tried to get away, but he threw her to the ground again, this time knocking Kate out again.

Rick was sitting in his loft- he had no where to go and no clues about Kate, he couldn't sleep so he just stayed up, starring at the wall.

Beckett he thought to himself, he had no idea why he still called her that, she was Kate Castle now, but he still adored her as Beckett, how he first knew her- what I wouldn't give to be there now he thought, anywhere but here, without her.

Hello again readers, I know this chapter may be short but I hope you enjoyed it! I will try to update soon but my life is busy at the moment, school stuff. Comment what you think and please vote is you enjoyed! I also have started writing a new fanfic on STANATHAN so check that out if you want to!🙂🙃

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