The Voices, They Never Leave

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His mind went blank. His mind went blank, but there were a million thoughts running through his brain. They distracted him, and in this movie imagined in his brain, they were portraying him going crazy. He imagined his life as a movie, and his eternal screaming was the part where you became worried for the leading man. Not a panic attack, but just the normal everyday thoughts. And the voices. The voices were the main antagonist. The voices told him to kill himself, to cut himself, they told him he was worthless. But the voices were his own voice. Frank just allowed them to go off in separate forms. In a sense, he envisioned it was other people, but he knew it was himself telling him all those things. It wasn't a symptom of paranoid schizophrenia. It was simply him. He poisoned himself and he believed every word thrown at him. Screaming was heard in the back of his brain. The screaming was what he wanted to do, he wanted to scream and let everything loose. He couldn't though, because everyone would see.

It was odd that Frank could hold conversations while all these things were happening in his head. Possibly because he was used to it. No one would ever know. He could be discussing breakfast and the words "hang yourself ," would be racing through his mind. It was just something that happened and he could hide it. No one had to know. They can't know. His doctors knew little and he didn't go into much detail. Even Gerard couldn't withhold the knowledge of this.

Frank was a bit crazy and a bit screwed up, but he couldn't take any help. He had it crammed into his brain, that he didn't deserve to be happy. His existence was far from Heaven. He was an outcast, his parents couldn't stand the sight of him, everyone voiced their hate for him, and other occurrences he cleared out before he begin to think about them too much. He had the control to not think about those today, which was the equivalent to an angel sent from God.

Frank's trace of thought was interrupted by Gerard. Frank looked at him and noticed that he had finished a new picture. It portrayed the outside scenery that stood before them. Icy snow covered the pull up bars, the grass was bent down, and it showed an overconfident Lindsey doing back flips. It wasn't that pretty outside today, it was rather ugly. But Gerard's picture was beautiful. Gerard could see the approval in Frank Iero's face. Gerard, like all sociopaths, could read people well. But he didn't know what was running through his head only a moment before. Frank could hide this demon well.

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