An Epistle for Me

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Frank's heart jumped when Zen told him he had a letter. Frank reached for it and looked at the information on the front. "Thank you." As he walked back to his room from the gym with Gerard by his side, he stared at the envelope with greed.

After getting situated on the bed, he carefully opened it. He pulled the piece of paper out. "I can't believe I got a letter back," Frank mumbled. He started reading it. Gerard peered over his shoulder.

Dear Frankie,
Hello honey! It's Mom writing. I'm glad to hear you're feeling better! MacKenzie, your dad, and I are doing fine.

I read through the most important parts of your letter. I'm not sure how to respond right...If there's a right way to respond that is. I did some thinking and decided that not answering was the best. I acknowledged it and thought about what you said deeply. Please know that.

I saw the picture! Gerard is very cute. You've always had great taste. I'm glad he makes you feel good. You both look so happy together! I wish you two the best!

MacKenzie is doing great in school. She's a straight A student.

We all love you, Frank. Keep moving forward and you'll be happy. I miss you.


"She misses me..." Frank trailed off.

"She thinks I'm cute," Gerard smiled.

Frank swung his arms around his boyfriend. "She misses me! Maybe she doesn't hate me! I know it says they love me, but I've never believed that! She says she misses me though!"

"I'd miss you too, if you were gone for about two years."

"Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you."

"For what?"

"It was your idea to write them in the first place. Thank you. I love you!"

"I love you too," Gerard said before kissing him.

"I feel...I feel important." Frank lied on his back, still holding the sacred piece of paper.

"You are important."

"What do you think she means that she thinks it's best not to reply?"

"I don't know."

A/N: Sucky chapter.
This is chapter 69....

Don't worry this story is almost done. Hopefully by May it'll be over. Depends if i can charge my old phone and get some chapter things i have on there soon. And how much time i have cause I'm going to get good grades this semester. Also I turned 14 last month.

I really love my mcr blanket.
I really love Pornhub.

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