Chapter 1- Engagment

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I let out a loud groan as my alarm rang out piercing my ears. Slowly peeling my eyes open, I was met with a blinding light that made my corneas burn in protest.

Another groan escaped my throat as I rolled over trying to shut my alarm up.

"Shut that thing up!" Came a loud screech from downstairs.

I let out a low growl as I heard my mothers putrid voice echo through the house.

My mother was a woman I had despised for years. No matter when it was, whenever we were home alone together or if she had her friends from 'work' round then she would take all of her 'stress' and 'anger' out on me as if it were some kind of sick game. I hated her with all my heart. Her and my father used to hit me when I was a lot younger but when he couldn't take it anymore, he left us. After my father abandoned us my mother went absolutely crazy and told me it was all my fault that he left.

It wasn't my fault and I know that.

She drove him away because she started to hurt me. He did too for a little while but that was only because of the pain she put him through, threatening him day and night, using me as her bait. After he succumbed to her mental abuse he decided to get drunk and join her in making my life a living hell. He then decided it was enough and couldn't bare to be near us anymore. He left.

And that is what my life used to be like although you haven't heard all of it just yet.

Now, back to the present.

I took a quick shower making sure that I massaged my aching scalp with my cherry blossom shampoo. I relished in the feeling of the soapy liquid bubbling against my head.

Then, I squeezed out some conditioner into my hair to make sure that I smelt sweet before washing it out, and exited the shower.

I wrapped a towel securely around my body making sure that no one was standing outside my door or waiting in my room. One time my mother waited outside for me and beat me black and blue in front of one of her 'work colleagues' and he just watched as I lay there naked, getting the absolute holy hell beaten out of me. But this time luckily for me, she was still downstairs probably drinking herself into an early grave.

By luckily I mean hopefully.

I walked over to my wardrobe and pulled out a pair of ripped, black jeans and a white long-sleeved top. I let my beautiful golden hair flow down my back so it stopped just above my ass.

My hair was a beautiful sandy blonde that went lighter in the Summer and darker in the Winter. I had never died my hair in my life, it was natural. My eyes were an extremely light, icy blue with specs of purple. I had very nice tanned skin that made me look like I lived near a beach.

I had no spots on my face making my skin flawless (well... almost), I had small ish breasts and a round ass. I was really small for my age but don't underestimate me.

Self love wasn't something I had come to learn yet. I knew I wasn't ugly but living my life wasn't exactly a confidence boost. Considering abuse was a reoccurring event throughout my life, I am guessing you would assume I am very shy and nervous but this has happened in my life for so long; ever since my legs had learnt to move on their own. This is what I'm used to now and I don't let it ruin me or weigh me down. However, if it wasn't for my best friend Eleanor I don't think I would feel this way.

Nodding my head in approval of my outfit, I turned around hoping to make my way downstairs.

My mom suddenly burst into my room with a large bottle of Vodka in her hands. The putrid woman had disgusting (clearly done at home) bleach blonde hair with long black roots creeping through and thick, black eyebrows that were smudged all over her face. She always thought she looked good but in reality she looked like a bag of ass.

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