Chapter 6- Xavier

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How was I supposed to control myself when I was around this fucking sex god?!

Heat was supposed to start a day or two after mates met. Sometimes it was good and sometimes the heat was bad. The bad heat is where you feel excruciating pain coursing throughout your entire body and the good heat was when you were horny for 3 days and then you're fine until the next full moon but when the moon light hits you, the heat comes back for another 3 days. If I'm being honest, neither are good.

Turns out... Xavier triggered mine when we were in his office.

After our 'incident' in Xavier's office, I had to go back to his room because he couldn't trust me being in heat in front of the unmated males in his pack.

Xavier decided that he couldn't handle me being near him while I was turned on so he went out for a quick run. I was bored out of my mind when suddenly I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in!" I called.

A young girl with black hair and green eyes came in. She looked exactly like Xavier.

"Hi!" She squealed.

"Hi," I replied.

"Are you my brothers mate?" She asked.

I nodded my head.

She let out a yell of excitement as she ran in the room and jumped on the bed. Her skin was kind of pale and her eyes weren't as bright or as luminous as Xavier but she was still gorgeous.

"OH MY GOD!" She screamed, "We could be sisters!"

My eyes were wide as she said that.

"You two have had sex right?" She wondered.

I shook my head, "Not yet."

"When did you find each other?"

"I think it was yesterday," I said, "I don't know how long I slept for."

She came closer to me and smelt me before gasping, "You're in heat?!"

I nodded before leaning back and covering my face with my hands, "Yes, sadly."

She gasped again, "My brother should be in here tending to your needs right now!" She squeaked.

I blushed, "I don't think I'm ready for that yet."

"Why not?" She asked tilting her head to the side.

Suddenly memories resurfaced but I swallowed them back down and turned towards her.

I didn't want to talk about him. Not now. Not ever. That man didn't deserve my words or tears. I shook the painful memories away before composing myself.

"I-It's just a pretty big s-step," I lied.

By the look on her face, she knew I was lying.

"Don't worry, you don't have to tell me," She smiled.

I returned her smile before she disappeared out the door and came back a few seconds later. She handed me her bag and gave me a small smile.

"If you don't want to loose your virginity yet, then use these instead."

She winked at me before walking out the door again.

Wait what?

She shut the door on her way out and I got extremely curious as to what was inside the bag so I opened it and peeped inside, gasping when I saw.

I pulled out the long jelly-like thing and it wiggled slightly in my hand. I looked down to see many of them all shapes and sizes and they were all in the shape of dicks.

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