Chapter 3- Mate

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I kept my head down and made sure that the Alpha didn't see me. Not wanting to die today seemed perfect and challenging an Alpha wouldn't supplement that. If I played it safe maybe I could start a new life somewhere else.

My fingers fiddled with the ring, temporarily diverting my mind from the pain in my legs and the giant man beast standing close by. My fingers pulled from above my head, trying to get the putrid thing off of my finger but for some strange reason, I couldn't. It was stuck.

I heard a loud clap and then a bang signalling me that someone had just left through the giant metal door.

I looked up and the Alpha was standing directly in front of me making my frail body jump slightly. I looked back down towards my feet but his fingers went underneath my chin forcing me look up. Shivers, tingles and sparks danced on my skin at his slight touch.

"Look at me," He commanded with a hard voice.

I couldn't help but obey his orders and a few moments later, I found myself looked up into his dark green orbs.

"Mine!" He growled.

My hazy brain barely acknowledged his words through the pain and confusion flowing through my body.

He glared at the chains that held my arms above my head and instantly pulled them apart with his bare hands.

My eyes widened considerably as my arms dropped and fell loose by my side. Rubbing my sore wrists, my throat let out a hiss as I tried to move.

"Stop," He said, "Let me."

I shook my head as he tried to pick me up bridal style. His hand slowly slipped under my wound, resulting in me growling in pain. My blood covered his hand but I noticed that it was healing and didn't have the strong, unbearable burning sensation in it anymore, instead, a light numbing pain. I didn't have enough strength to push him away and force him to let me walk so instead I sighed in content, my arms automatically snaked around his neck to help keep my balance. Besides, he smelt good.

One of his arms wrapped around the underneath of my knees while the other wrapped around my back. I couldn't help but snuggle my face in his chest as he walked me out of the cell and through the woods towards an extremely large house. His scent entrapped me in a hypnotic-like state, keeping my rude mouth from spouting any profanities at him.

As I placed the side of my head against his chest, my ears focused on his heart beat. It was slow and steady. It was calming.

Upon not hearing his name earlier, I took it upon myself to ask the question which had been farting around my mind for a while:

"Which Alpha are you?" I wondered, closing my eyes.

"Alpha Xavier," He stated, proudly.

His smell-hypnosis suddenly wore off and my eyes widened as I struggled, trying to get out of his grip, "Put me down!" I squealed.

"Why should I do that, Princess?" He said clearly unaffected by my struggling.

"Because you're- you're...evil!" I panicked, "You're known as the ruthless Alpha that shows no mercy for anyone! The one who doesn't care what happens to a single soul! It's been said that you'll kill your mate when you meet her!"

His face turned hard and cold. His lips formed a straight line, "Does it look like I am going to kill you?!"

He looked down at me and barely raised a sexy eyebrow. Wait! Did I just say he had a sexy eyebrow?

"Why wouldn't you?" I muttered so quiet that he couldn't hear me.

"Don't mutter, Princess."

"I'm not your fucking princess," I growled.

Alpha XavierWhere stories live. Discover now