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"I Lady Rosemary pledge my heart to Arthur Pendragon to unite our kingdoms." I packed my belongings, I took one deep breath and took one last look at my chamber before heading out of the castle gates. I waved my father good-bye. He couldn't come he had a kingdom to rule, I sighed with sadness. I and my father's knights had reached the massive, metal gates of Camelot. I stopped my horse just outside the steps of the castle. Stood on the big, white pebbled stones stood a man with messy but shiny golden hair fit for a prince. Next to him was a skinny boy with black hair that shaped his head like he had a helmet on. His father then appeared with his arms out like he wanted a hug or something. "Your sire." I bent slightly holding my long, silky dress that was pure baby pink with diamonds emboldened into the Material. "Have you had a safe journey to Camelot?"
"Yes your sire."
"Well that's good hear. "Last time I saw you was when you and Arthur were running around together."
"Father please no embarrassing stories she's
only just arrived!" Arthur snapped.
"Arthur's servant boy Merlin will lead you to your chambers." Uther command.

The skinny boy with helmet hair came towards me, smiling. He pointed his arm in the direction he wanted me to go. I looked him up and down. I gave him a slight smile and followed him. After climbing a load of stairs, we finally made it to large brown doors with a black metal door handle. Merlin twisted the handle slowly, like I was going to be amazed by what was laying behind these darn doors. The doors swung open. I stood in the middle taking in the new environment. I took a deep breath and turned to Merlin. "Is there something wrong m'lady?" Merlin asked.
"Sorry, Merlin it's fine it's fit for a lady." I giggled.
"What so funny m'lady?"
"Nothing, please Merlin it's Rosemary."
"Erm are you sure I can call you Rosemary, it doesn't seem right." He said while taking me in.
"You see something you like Merlin." I said jokingly.
"No, no!" He said waving he's hands in the air. I took a seat at the large table. "Why is the table so big just for one person?"
"Well I don't actually know m'lady Erm I mean Rosemary." He said while scratching the back of his neck.
"Well I personally thought the tables where big because the rooms are big." A voice said from the door way. I looked to see a gorgeous man with huge muscly arms and one hell of a six -pack going off. "Prince Arthur." I said with a flirty smile.
"Just come to see how your settling in I know sometimes Merlin doesn't know when to shut up."
I laughed at his joke more than I thought I would. Arthur just looked at me with his head tilted to the side like a dog. "Merlin has done a good job with settling me in thank you."
"Oh, really Merlin's done a good job."
" ha-ha it appears so." I joked.
"Hello guys I am in the room you know."
We both just looked up at him and laughed.
"My father wanted to ask if you will be joining us for dinner tonight." Arthur asked politely.
"I think I will join you tonight thank you." I said with a smile.

Later that night, Guinevere came to get me ready for dinner. She handed me my red, sparkly dress. I walked into the main hall. I stopped to take in the massive hall, there were two golden thrones, a huge wooden table with Uther and Arthur sat at it, with plates full of fruit and meat. I sat opposite Arthur. "Hello m'lady." Arthur said as he looked up at me.
"Hello your sierras." I said with a nod. Arthur handed me a plate with green and red grapes and chicken, he poured me a glass of wine. "Thank you." I said with a smile.
"Your welcome." He winked. After dinner I said my goodbyes to Uther. I and Arthur walked to our chambers. "Night Arthur."

The next morning, I awoke to hear bells ringing loudly, I jumped out of my bed and ran to my closet to get changed. Few minutes later there was a knock at my door. "Rosemary you need to come quickly." I opened my door to find Merlin stood outside it with a worried face. He looked me up and down and he twitched his head to the left. I shut the door behind me and followed quickly behind Merlin to the main hall.

The hall was full of Knights with worried faces. I walked down to the top where my fiancé stood. He looked at me with worry. "Good morning my fellow friends of the court, I'm here to discuss the matter of Morgana."
"As you are all aware of princess Rosemary is engaged to me and we think Morgana knows this."
"Is she after her." Merlin asks Arthur and Uther.
"Wait who's Morgana." I had heard of stories of a lady Morgana, but I never thought she was real.
"She was once our lady Morgana until she discovered her magic and decided to use it for evil." Arthur said with a slight smile.
"Oh right, well if you don't mind me saying but I would like to go home now."
"This is your home now." Uther said softly.
"My home, don't think so some mad women with magic wants me dead!" I snapped. I look at them both and stormed off.

I got onto my beautiful grey stallion and rode off into the woods. I found a nice quite place near a magnificent waterfall. I sat down in a field of violet coloured flowers that smelt fresher than the water itself. I watched the water splashing into the river over and over again. As I watched the water, I pictured a unicorn galloping through the clear water running freely. I watched the unicorn gallop through the water. "Rosemary what are you doing out here." I spin on my bum nearly falling into the river. "Merlin what are you doing here?"
"Arthur's looking for you."
"Is he really, a man like that should have found me by now. Don't you think?" I said with a sarcastic smile.
"He's a bit of a dollp-head you know, and it will take him awhile to realise a woman like you likes a waterfall."
"And how do you know I like a waterfall."
"I didn't I felt magic being used and I thought it was Morgana."
"Rosemary I know you have magic I saw the unicorn."
"Please don't tell anyone I beg you."
"Don't worry I won't."
"Wait you said you felt the magic being used, how?"
" I was born with magic, my father was a dragon Lord."
"So he passed his magic down to you."
"Yes and when he died I became a dragon lord even have my own dragon."
"Really that's awesome."
"How did you get magic?"
"My mother was a fairy queen and my father came across her on his travels to Camelot to be with Uther against magic. When on his way back from Camelot he saw her again and they talked and talked like they did before, soon after they married."
"So your part fairy."
"Yes, I even have wings." I stood up and moved my shoulder backwards, a pair of white wings sprung from my back.
"Wow they are huge." Merlin said with amazement.
"Ha-ha yes they are but they have to be otherwise I can't fly."
"Wait you can fly."
"Yes and control the elements and the weather and do spells."
"Now you should keep that one quite." Just as I was about to say yes, I should, Arthur came riding through the trees. I quickly moved my shoulders backwards again: my wings were gone. I saw Merlin's face, it was like when a little kid sees a knight waking past them. "Merlin you idiot why didn't you call?"
" I have only just found her."
"I will let you off this one-time Merlin." "Rosemary don't run off like that not when you're in danger." Arthur snapped.
" I will do what I please, I am a grown woman and I can take care of myself."
"Can you now."
"Yes. "Arthur looked at me.
"If you don't mind, I'm going back now on my own." I climbed onto my stallion; riding off back to the castle, anger boiling through my veins.

Back at the castle I was walking around taking in all what the castle had to offer.

I hide behind a wall with my head slightly peering round. I saw Guinevere and Arthur bump into each other. "Sorry Gwen."
"No, it was my fault I wasn't watching where I was going."
"why was that?"
"I was thinking."
"You was thinking about me marrying Rosemary wasn't you."
"Yes I'm sorry, I can't help it I love you Arthur but I also understand that you have a duty."
" I love you too Gwen."

I came from behind the wall and walked towards them like I hadn't heard anything. "Hi, Arthur."
" Rosemary what are you doing?"
"If I am going to be living here I wanted to know where everything is."
"I will get Merlin to show you around."
"Sure he's much better company then you anyway."
"Excuse me."
"Well you clearly are more interested in Gwen here than me."
"I am not what are you on about."
" I can see the way you two look at each other, don't let our engagement ruin your love because to be honest Arthur you're a dollp-head."
"You have been hanging around Merlin too much, I'm taking you out for a ride."
"Well isn't that nice."

We both got onto our horses, galloping off in the wind. We sat down on to the soft, sparkling sand, Arthur asked Merlin to bring the picnic basket over. We sat together eating the food and speaking for hours until the sunset.
" So how was that for you?"
"Well Arthur I'm quite shocked you did very well at impressing Me."
"I am pleased that you enjoyed our time together." I looked up at him and smiled slightly.
"Merlin get our horses." Merlin nodded at him. He scattered off to retrieve our horses.

(Merlin) A princesses heartWhere stories live. Discover now