Death for you is Salvation

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I felt a warm and familiar hand intertwine with mine. I looked to my side and there he was my beautiful, magic man his eyes shining gold. "It's time." I said to him Telepathically. My eyes shining gold too. "Wait what's going on?" Morgana takes a step back the fear in her eyes.
"I told you your death is upon you."
"I have worked it all out you are Emrys and you are that child my mother didn't want been born but was too late to stop because you Merlin wasn't my end you both are and that baby is magical, I can feel it she's yours isn't she Merlin." We looked at each other smiling our interwind hands swing at our sides.

"That is enough of an answer for me." We both places our left hand in front of each other like we were about to high five. We placed our hands together. Our eyes meeting always.

Our right hand then touched Morgana's heart. Our eyes shining more brightly. We looked at each other remembering our night in the forest his eyes grew with lust. "Oi stop it we need to Concentrate." We pushed the thoughts aside. "Ow what are you doing!" Morgana screamed in Agony. "Please stop I will behave I promise." We never moved our eyes off one another. Morgana's heart became overloaded with fire she screamed and cried. Her body exploded into nothing the whole place light up like fireworks. Our eyes never left each other as a bright orange glow formed round us taking over the dead forest.

The old willow tree creaked under the glow of power coming from the couple destined to be. The old religion had spoken of them for many years readying themselves for the salvation. "Hello?" Soft voice spoke through the wind of magic bring the couple out of their magic trance.

(Merlin) A princesses heartWhere stories live. Discover now