Daddies visit

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Drowning in my own thoughts when a high pitch but low voice shouted Rosemary while waving his hand in my face. I grabbed his hand tightly. "Ow, ow." Merlin cried.
"Oh, sorry thought you were an intruder."
"Oh no just me." Merlin said nervously.
" I can see it's just you, what do you want? I squinted my eyes at him.
"Arthur is asking for you."
" oh is he, best not keep him waiting." I followed Merlin out of my chambers. I found myself outside of the great hall.
"What are we doing here Merlin?" I snapped.
"I told you Arthur wanted you."
"Right." I said with confusion. The guards swung open the great, big doors.

I swung off my daddies' shoulders, hugging him tightly until he couldn't breathe well not literally." Farther what are you doing here?"
"I came to see an old friend as well as my angel."
" aww I missed you very much daddy."
" I have you, it's very quiet without you." I smiled at him with delight.
" Hello King Leonardo." A voice boomed from behind.
"King Uther it's good to see you." Leonardo said while going in for a hug. I stood there and watch the two old friends catch up in one hug and a long-worried stare. I watched them closely but neither of them spoked just stared. "I and King Leonardo have decided if anyone is caught using magic in any way they will be executed." Uther said harshly. With that said he left leaving the hall empty.

I met up with my father later that day to go for a ride. At the stables my father's horse was ready. "Darling do you want Travis to saddle your horse?"
"No father I can do it." I lead my stallion out of the stables: once he was saddled, I climbed onto his giant body. He was like a mountain. "Race You." I said with a laugh while riding off.

Our horses were racing through the woods zipping in out of tress their hooves heavy on the wet ground from last night's rain fall. We made it to where he met mother we always went there. We jumped off our horses. As I sat, I took in the environment. There was an old willow tree the base was shaped in the outline of a fairy. Farther always told me it was shaped that way to keep her memory. I always thought the fairy in the tree was my mother's body trapped.

Behind this magnificent tree is a waste land, the trees are dead or dying. The river that once was there is now a swamp for wild boar. I looked up at my father he looked worried like something was bothering him. "Father what's wrong?"
"My darling Rosemary, I should have told you this before now."
"Tell me what?"
" Not long after you was born, Morgause's and Morgana's mother trapped your mother in this tree."
"What why?"
"They heard that she was with child and that this child was going to be very powerful. One day this child will meet a powerful sorcerer: named Emry's."
"There's a young man named Merlin, he's Arthur's servant."
"Merlin you say." He said with a hum.
"Yeah and he has magic and a dragon as well actually two."
"He's the one."
"What do you mean he's the one?" As the words left my mouth, my father was swung into the air crashing back down to earth.

I open my eyes slowly, pain shooting across my head. "Ow." I moaned while rubbing the back of my head. I looked around to find myself back in my chambers. I jumped out of bed shouting for my father. "Rosemary calm down." A voice came from the door. I recognise that deep, soft voice. "Arthur don't tell me to calm down my father!" I screamed at him.
"We have soldiers out looking for him now our priority was you." Arthur said calmly.
"I'm not priority! My father is king of my land he's priority not me!" I screamed. I threw back the covers and stormed off out of my own chambers. I heard heavy footsteps following me. I turned to see Merlin. "Merlin there's nothing you can say to make me go and apologise."
"Rosemary I wasn't."
"Wasn't what!" As I stormed off faster.

I found myself looking back up at the big White Castle walls as I walked away from it. "I'm going to find my father myself." The voice in my head said. I went back to the willow tree: where I last saw him. I checked the area before walking up to the tree. As I took steps closer to the tree, I found my body shaking as the cold hit my skin. I touched the tree my palms shaking has my whole body fell limp, my mind going blank.

"Morgana." I took a fast step back away from the tree as my sense came rushing back to me. Staring angrily at the tree as a tear dropped down my cheek. "Mother I need your help, I don't know what to do?" I sat down in front of the tree hoping for an answer but nothing. "What a waste of time! What's the point of been a magical creature when I have to hide who I am!" As the last words left my mouth, I heard a familiar voice.
"Rosemary stop running off like that!" I turned around to see Merlin stood there.
"What do you want?" I grunted.
"Wait let me guess Arthur sent you to do his dirty work!"
"Well yes but I'm glad he did."
"And why is that?" I asked sharply.
"Because he would have heard all what you just said."
"Yeah but what if I want him to, ever thought of that!" I screamed tears soaking my mud-covered dress.
"It would be nice to be able to be ourselves, but we can't."
"I know this already Merlin!"
"Do your really then why shout it at a tree then, what is so good about this tree?"
"Well you remember the story of how my mother was a fairy?"
"I do why?"
"Because this tree is my mother she was trapped by Morgana's mother.
"Really is that why it's shaped like a fairy?"
"Yes." I wiped my tears away as Arthur came galloping up.
"Merlin great job."
" Thanks sire."
"Wasn't a compliment. "Arthur laughed. He noticed my tear stained face.
"Arthur you don't have to be so mean you know."
"I know but I enjoy it." He said with a grin as big as a water melon slice. He held out his hand for me to take I was hesitant at first, I was still mad at him. His rather large hand was soft has he help me up on to his horse.

(Merlin) A princesses heartWhere stories live. Discover now