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Me and Merlin sat hand in hand waiting for her to kill us or something, but she just stood there looking at me. "Looks like I get to kill you and your future child."
"What child!" I Screamed.
"You don't know."
"Know what?" I demanded.
"You are a week gone."
"What do you mean a week gone as the words left my mouth, I realised I was pregnant and not with Arthur's baby.
"Darling your pregnant and it would seem this child is a future king or queen of Camelot which means I get to kill it before it has my throne." She laughed so loud the room shuck.
"Your pregnant!" A voice came from the door way.
"Look daddies here to rescue you."
"Rosemary you can't be it was only a week ago."
"Does this mean the baby isn't going to take my throne." Morgana joked.
"She is lying Arthur, Rosemary can't be she just playing tricks." Merlin said while pulling his hands away from mine.
"Merlin, I think she might be telling the truth."
"What!" They shout in unison.
"Enough of this!" Morgana screams.
She flew towards me knocking me off the chair. "Time to meet your fate just like your mother." She pulled out her sword. The coldness of the blade at my neck made me shiver I felt death himself walk through me. "Nooo!" Arthur shouted sticking his sword in the back of her neck. "Let her go or I will put this though your neck faster than you can though hers." Fear shone in her eyes. She spun round placing her sword back in her belt holder. "Very well this time but next time you will all die just like your father Arthur." She laughed all the way out of the castle.

"What did she mean your father?" I asked with worry.
"She stabbed him before heading down here to you."
"No!" I screamed tears pooling at my feet. Arthur scooped me up into his arms holding me tight. "Cough." Gwaine stood there with Percival, Elyon, Sir Leon and Lancelot. "Yes"
Arthur said sharply.
"We need you down in medical." Arthur grabbed my hand and lead me towards medical. In the room was hundreds of bleeding bodies from villages to Knights. They all laid there screaming and crying in pain. Gaius and Gwen were rushing around quickly to treat everyone but there was too many the pile of dead was increasing. "Arthur, we need to help them."
"Merlin you over there with the mothers and children get them the best treatment, Knights go around everyone listen to what Gaius has to say."
"What about me." I said.
"You can sit outside and wait."
"But Arthur I can help."
"No!" I didn't argue with him I just walked over to Gaius.
"Where are you going?" He demanded. I ignored him.
"Gaius what can I do to help?"
"Well you can take care of that old lady over there." I turned around to see that it was Adelaide. I quickly walked over to her. "Hello Adelaide, do you remember me?"
"Yes." She said quietly breathing heavily.
"I see your chest is burnt badly."
"You've got a lot of blood coming out of it so I'm going to clean it with hot water it's going to hurt can you be brave for me." She nodded. I got a clean cloth and fresh boiling hot water and dabbed the wound. Adelaide squinted with pain. "Ouch." She said.
"Sorry but now I have to wipe the wound so hold onto my hand if need be okay." She grabbed my hand. Her hand felt dry and hard but soft with love. I wiped the wound gently talking to her about her husband. After it was all cleaned, I wrapped her chest in a bandage. "There you go all clean all that's left to do is give you this herb which will help with pain and another to help fix the wound."
"Thank you." She said. Her kind eyes stayed on mine as she Spoke her voice raspy from the smoke. " I see you are with child, but I sense it's not the Kings." I look at her shocked. "Am I with child?" I asked.
"Yes dear didn't you know."
"No Morgana said but I just thought she was lying."
"No dear she was telling the truth as I am now this child isn't the future kings is it my dear."
" Adelaide I'm not sure it could be Arthur's but also could not be, I am torn between to loves."
"I can see your heart breaking you have a fight a head of you." The last thing she said before disappearing. I watched the door way where she had left thinking about what she had said. As I watched the door one of the Knights brought through a man. He was covered in blood from the burns he had suffered the smell of burnt flesh hit my nose. The body moved past me the whole room spun round...

(Merlin) A princesses heartWhere stories live. Discover now