Death by spiders

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I made sure my stallion was all fed and watered before setting a fire for the long night ahead. I watched the flames as they danced in the wind. I slowly drifted off to sleep, thinking about my father, the pain he must be going through made me feel sick.

I sat up with a fire ball in my hand ready. "Calm down." A familiar voice said.
" Merlin?"
" I am here to make sure you don't die."
"You make sure I don't die more like yourself."
"No need to be nasty you know just been a friend."
"A friend? you want to be more than just friends, I see it in your eyes."
"You must see a lie, me and you can only be friends and that's all I see."
"If that is what you believe it to be then so be it." I give him a smile good night and lay back down on the bumpy, wet rocks beneath me.

I awoke to the smell of freshly made porridge. "Hmm that smells delicious." I stretched my arms. "Hello, sleepy head." He said with a grin.
"Morning." I sat down beside him. Watching his every move while he cooked, dished up the food and ate it was like I was under spell but a good one. "Rosemary, Rosemary" Merlin said while waving his hand in front of my face. "Sorry I was thinking about my father." I said as a cover up.
"Sure, you were." He said while laughing.
"I was." I said for no reason. After breakfast I packed up my things.
Made sure the horses were fed and watered then I headed further into the woods I had no time to waste messing around with the cute servant.

Galloping through the woods in and out of trees fast as lightning. To reach my destination. "Rosemary slow down!" I slowed my horse down to a walk. "Thank god." Merlin said.
"Why can't keep up." I said while laughing.
"No that's not It."
" Then what?"
"We are heading into the fallen kings and it's known for its well curses."
"Merlin a little scared. "No Arthur comes through here all the time just worried about you."
" Aww well I can handle myself."
" I know but I worry about you." He said with a slight smile and love-sick puppy eyes. I rolled my eyes at him and kicked the horse to walk.
Walking further and further into the woods towards the fallen kings, the horses put their heads down and slowed down to a stop.
"We get off here." Merlin said.
"Why here can't we carry on?" I said nervously.
"Yes, here are you scared." Merlin laughed.
"No of course not!" I snapped. Merlin laughed at me and jumped off his horse. "Get off and walk."
"no thank you, please can we carry on horse?"
"No, we cannot get off Rosemary and walk." I jumped off my stallion. I quickly ran to catch up to Merlin who was already half way through the fallen kings.

"Merlin please slow down." I said catching up to him.
"See you finally caught up then." He joked.
" I did, what you are finding so funny."
"Nothing apart from you was like I can look after myself, but you are scared."
" I am not! Now be quite I heard something."
We spin round and round looking at every tree. Merlin shouted out "Hello who's there?" There wasn't an answer. We carried on walking shrugging of the feeling.

I spotted the huge, stone of the old kings Statues. I ran towards them knowing this was our way to my father. "Rosemary, stop!" Screamed Merlin.

"What?" I said nervously.
"Giant spider." I screamed and ran towards Merlin: I swung round his neck. Three, huge, hairy, black spiders come hurtling towards us. "Merlin." I screamed crushing him tightly between my arms. "Rosemary let go we need to fight."
" I-i can't." I said shaking.
Yes you can, I have seen your power."

I turned away, shutting my eyes. "Rosemary look out!" I opened my eyes. I let out a high-pitched girly scream. Falling to the ground. I laid on the ground with a huge hairy spider above me its pinchers drawing closer and closer to me. I waved my hands around fighting it off me. It's pinchers nibbles at my clothing, while it spun its sticky web. I was terrified my father would shoo the spider away back at home, I've always feared the eight legged creatures.
"Ouch!" I screamed. My eyes started to shut, beautiful colours and patterns surrounded me. My body started to spin round and round getting covered in the sticky web. "Rosemary break free he's going to eat you." Merlin said while firing fire at the second to last spider. I turned my head to look at him, he shined like a star in the night sky. I watched him fight the spider smiling at how handsome he is. while the spider spun me round into its magical string, the all my worries of been eaten disappearing at the sight of the powerful wizard in front of me.

The string went over my face I took one last breathe as the black spider's pinchers grabbed me up into its mouth swallowing me up.

I tried to hold breathe but my lungs were giving up on me. I felt so many emotions at once sadness, worry, love, scared and anger with all that emotion my hands stared to glow red with fire. I placed my hands in the liquid making it burn even hotter until it got too hot. The whole spider exploded. All eight legs splattered into the woods the body was well roasted like chicken. I was sat near the bottom of the spider where I just flew out of breathing heavy. Merlin came running towards me panicked. "Rosemary." He said while taking my body into his arms. "Merlin." I said gasping for air.

Merlin picked me up into his arms and carried me through the fallen kings. When I woke up the first thing, I smelt was rotten fish and flies. " eww what's that's small?"
"It's you m'lady." Merlin laughed.
"Funny Merlin!" I snapped and walked over to the river where a lush blue waterfall fell into the glowing river. I untied my cloak which fell down my body just stopping at my feet, I stepped out taking off my tunic and hunting pants. I Stood with the grass between my feet wiggling my toes smiling thinking what a beautiful place this is. I stepped into the river it sent chills up my body I shivered but carried on in. I pushed my way through the flowing water to where the magnificent waterfall fell. I stood just underneath just enough to get my hair wet. I used my magic to make some sort of shampoo that Gaius makes smells delightful. It's got a scent of rose petals which I like. I rubbed it into my hair and on my body feeling better with every splash of water. From a distance Merlin was sat at the river edge waiting for Me. I climbed out of the river and sat down beside Merlin. "Rosemary aren't you going to get dressed?"
" I think I'm going to sit here in the green grass that's feels like a thousand feathered pillows."
" I will move camp closer here then." He said awkwardly. Merlin moved the camp and set fire to the fire pit ready for some stew.
"Rosemary are you going to get dressed before dinner?"
"Why should I get dressed back into those soggy, smelly rags! Is it because you never seen a naked woman before?" Merlin didn't know what to say, his eyes flashed gold making me clothes his cheeks red the whole time. Tight leather pants, with a tunic that's was white with fox fur coat to keep me warm. I looked down at the ground where they were and smiled. "Thank you, Merlin."
"You are welcome how can a princess rescue her father naked."
" ha-ha." I laughed.
" least you can still laugh after what happened back there." I stood up. Merlin tried to turn away. "I would have killed each and every one of them but I'm afraid of spiders."
"Rosemary it's fine you don't have to explain your alive and naked that's all that matters." He said while looking me up and down.

I walked closer to him he took a step back but froze, his eye locked on mine always. "Rosemary what are you doing?" I stopped just short from his face. " Rosemary." He Said in a deep voice of lust. My lips met his. He swung me round with my back to the tree his lips never leaving mine.

Merlin moved me down to the ground, rubbing his hands up and down my body taking it in before removing his own clothes. I opened my eyes to see abs I didn't expect but God was he good looking. Merlin put my hands above my head pinning me down, he climbed on top of me kissing my neck, slowing moving down. His eyes filled with lust and want. My heart beat picked up I wanted him.

Merlin laid there pulling me into him. I lay onto his chest listening to his heart beat fast. I look up at him and smile. "Merlin shouldn't we eat the stew now before it gets cold?" Merlin looks down at me. "Yes, I think we should." We both sit up and enjoy our stew none of us even talking or looking at each other. His cheeks still flushed.

(Merlin) A princesses heartWhere stories live. Discover now