Wedding dress and hopes

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Two months after I was sent to Ealdor from the water dragon. Nothing has changed much apart from my 3-month bump was showing a little. I loved to my place hands round my belly and hold it like I was holding her in my arms, I day her because I have this feeling, I'm expecting a little a girl. Merlin thinks otherwise

"M'lady." A women's voice calls from the door.
"My name is Mary I'm here so you can try on your wedding dress." I stared at her wide eyed with my mouth gaping open. I had totally forgot about my wedding to Arthur.
"Yea come in." She stepped in holding my dress in her arms.
"Come here love we need to make sure it fits." I walked over dreading the day of my wedding I needed to tell him I couldn't marry him. I didn't love him not in the way a wife should but more as a brother.

I slipped into my dress. The fabric was the finest silk you could buy. So silky soft the material felt so right on my body. I moved my hands up my dress feeling every inch of it taking in every inch; the more I ran my soft hands against the fabric the sadder I felt.
"M'lady are you alright?"
"Yes Mary this dress is beautiful." She smiled at me.

I stared at this beautiful white dress that was embroidered with diamonds on the corset that moved down to the flowing skirt below, the dress shone in the sunlight it was so beautiful I loved it so much. I couldn't help but feel like something was wrong. "Mary could you please leave." I said wiping tears away.
"Yes m'lady." She left the room without questioning me. I stared at my own reflection picturing me walking down the aisle.

My father leading me down crying at every step we took together. I see all my friends and family crying as they see me coming some even gasp at the sight of me. I see an empty chair wishing my mother was sat there crying with joy, but she wasn't. I look up at the alter and see Merlin stood there in his beautiful handmade cotton trousers and shirt they were a beautiful colour of cream and white they shone so bright I had to look away, but I couldn't I had to look at him. He looked so elegant and handsome, I smiled. I was pulled away from my daydream to see Gwen stood there with her hands on her mouth.
"Gwen what heavens is the matter."
"You look beautiful."
"Thank you." I tried to smile but it was hard to.
"Is everything alright?" She asked with a puzzled face.
"Of course."
"You're lying."
"Gwen you love Arthur and he loves you right."
"I love him very much but I'm not sure if he feels the same."
"Gwen we both know he doesn't love me he loves you."
"Are you mad my grace?"
"I was jealous at first but now not so much I have fallen for someone."
"Is it Merlin?"
"How did you know?"
"The way you two look at each it's like me and Arthur."
"It's so nice to be able to talk to someone about this."
"I know your grace what are we going to do your getting married in two weeks."
"I totally forgot." We both stood in silence with the worry we will be marrying the wrong people, she loved the one I was betrothed to and the I loved was a servant boy better off with the servant girl. Life could be cruel, but love was crueller.

(Merlin) A princesses heartWhere stories live. Discover now