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"Gaius what are we going to do she's taken her"
"Taken who Merlin?"
"Rosemary! Morgana has taken her."
"No! what are you going to do is Arthur looking for her."
"Him and the Knights are going to look for her but if Rosemary uses her magic they will find out."
"I'm going to find her she's my love." He smiled and stormed off packing the
essentials he needed. The power surged through him has he ready himself for the journey ahead he had to find her, she was his love.

"Right Knights Rosemary is out there we need to find her quickly!"
Sir Elyan, Sir Leon, Sir Lancelot, Gwaine and Sir Percival all agreed with him. "Where's Merlin?" Gwaine asked.
"Come to think of it haven't seen him since this morning when Gwen came running."
"I'm here guys sorry I had to grab a few things."
"Thank god Merlin wouldn't have been the same without you." Arthur said laughing.

"How did you sleep."
"How do you think not well considering I'm tied to a wall and 3 months pregnant."
"Ha-ha oh yeah ops oh well."
"Oh well you think this is healthy for me!" I screamed. As I screamed the whole lair shuck. "What the hell is happening." I watched as the lair shuck, things flew around the lair, glass jars smashed everywhere, daggers and
Swords flew towards her from every angle some stuck themselves in the wall just missing her. The power surged through my veins has if informing I am powerful and not weak like everyone thinks.

Morgana falls the ground with her hands on her head screaming Emry's I'm going to kill you. 'Who's Emrys?' I thought to myself he's not the one doing this. I looked at her on the floor and laughed. Everything stopped. "You are scared of someone called Emrys really?" I laughed so hard I thought I would wee.
"Stop laughing I am not scared of him!" She flew towards me and stabbed a dagger straight into my stomach. "What why won't it go in!" She screamed while trying to push the dagger in. Morgana pushed with all her strength she had left she was determined to get the dagger into my stomach, she desperately wanted to end mine and my baby's life. The more she pushed the more the knife fought against her it was like my baby was pushing the knife away from us. The force of the push back sent the knife tumbling backwards landing heavily on the floor. I smiled. Looks like my baby is taking after her mummy and daddy.

"Hello Rosemary, love you need wake up it's our wedding day."
"Merlin is that you?"
"Yes, I was here last night you asked me to stay with you."
"Really why would I we aren't together did you say our wedding what happen to Arthur?"
"You and he broke it off remember."
"I don't sorry wait where's my bump."
"What bump?"
"My baby bump."
"Rosemary you don't remember Morgana stabbed you with a dagger; you bled out and you lost the baby."
"What no! I didn't she had a force field protecting her. I don't understand. Merlin I'm confused." Warm tears fall from eyes, the ache in my heart at losing someone I never got to known. He grabs me pulling me into his arms, he holds me tight stroking my hair. I hugged him tighter and tighter just relieved his here by my side.

(Merlin) A princesses heartWhere stories live. Discover now