Love to the rescue

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"Oi! are you awake seriously you are so easily knocked out. Come on!" She slapped me. "Ow."
"Finally, my plan wouldn't worked if you weren't a wake."
"What plan where am I?" I look around. Dead trees everywhere, the whole area dull and foggy the only thing you can see is an old willow tree with a fairy carved into the bark.
"Why have you brought me here!" I ran at her ready to punch, kick and kill her but she just sent me flying straight into the tree. "Well, well look who's got some courage after all, you see my mother trapped your mother here many years ago and now you get to see her burn. After you watch: I get to see you burn. "

"I have to say that is a smart plan, well done to you. If you don't mind just get on with it, please." My voice bored. "Someone's is a bit eager to die." She laughed her eyes darkening.

"Arthur, I heard laughter form over there."
"Merlin people are allowed to laugh doesn't mean anything." Merlin just looked at him and nodded. " I need to stop and get some water." He told his king a little lie as he rode off towards the sound of laughter.

Merlin reached the sound. "Rosemary? I was right." He jumped off his horse. He slapped the horse on the backside encouraging to take off back towards Arthur and the Knights. "Morgana leave her alone!"
"What are you going to do your just a servant Merlin." She sniggered.
"Am I."
"" A burst of wind shot out of his hand towards Morgana. The gust of wind lifted her up from the ground sending her flying through the dead trees disappearing into the fog. "Merlin you came for me."
"Of course, I did love." I ran to him hugging him tight. "You are real, you are actually here, I have my bump and we aren't getting married?"
"Of course, I am real what are you on about."
"Nothing, must have been a dream."
"What dream?"
"Nothing to worry about."
"Why are you here?" He tilted his head to the side like a confused puppy he looked so adorable.
"This tree is my mother, Morgana's mother trapped her when I was young, and she wanted to burn it then me."
He hugged me even tighter the fear of losing me evident in his grip. "Can't breathe." He released me with a sad look on his face.
"Sorry love."
"It's fine where's Arthur?"
"He's on his way." I nodded. I didn't care if he was or not all I cared about was Merlin he was here by my side protecting me. It is our destiny.

A fire ball came flying towards us at full speed. Merlin pushed me to the side. He fell to the ground. "Merlin wake up please." I shuck him my tears falling onto his face. I placed a gentle kiss on his mouth taking in the feeling of his lips on last time. I turned to Morgana. My eyes full of so much hatred and pain. "What you going to do kill me your mortal you can't hurt me your mother may have been a fairy the Prophecy was wrong you're not powerful you're not even magical or nothing, I'm going to kill you and your boyfriend! I see you got over Arthur fast did he not please you like Merlin." She laughed Psychotically.
"you are wrong." I stared at her I didn't even take my eyes off her. I was filled with pain, anger and love. The powerful words all in one emotion.

My eyes flashed gold as I waved my hand up in the air sending her towards the willow tree where vines grabbed her round the waist holding her in place. I walked towards her slowly and threatening my big fairy wings sprung out. "No, you can't be."
I laughed. I griped my hand round her throat and whispered. "Your death has come, he's waiting for you." I laughed and realised her. "You can't kill me I am a high priestess."
"You maybe from the old religion but so am I and so is..."

(Merlin) A princesses heartWhere stories live. Discover now