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I was in the hall organising the wedding with the help of Gwen. The sound of heels smacking against the floor echoed through the hall as me and Gwen talked flowers. We spun round I clutched onto my stomach. "Morgana!" We both shouted but our voices broke from fright "Hello my future sister in law." Me and Gwen both looked at one another. "Well neither one of you will have the chance to be." She said with anger. "What could you possibly want now?" I sighed. Her games were starting to get boring.
"Your heart." She gave me a massive grin. I held my stomach tighter. "You can't have my heart!" I yelled. Before I could send Gwen for help, she grabbed me by the arm. She held a tight grip on me. My whole arm went dead with the lack of blood flowing through it. My stomach curled with her touch. My whole stomach turned over: sick flew everywhere. I couldn't stop it. It was flowing out of me like a river. I saw my whole days food laid out in front of me what a waste, I thought. I looked up to see Gwen frozen with fear. I tried to call out to her, but Morgana's grip tightened round my arm and her other hand gripped my neck squeezing every last bit of air out of my lungs. The last thing I saw was Gwen running and shouting for help. Everything went black...

I awoke to find my arms chained up above my head. I blinked a thousand times to stop my blurry vision. I looked around to see where I was.

The room was small I could barely make out where it was or what was in there as the candle light was bare minimum, I squinted me eyes to see better. "Hello sleepy head how's my future niece?"
"Yes." She snapped clearly fed up of me acting dumb.
"What do you want with us!" I yelled while rattling the chains.
"I want you dead and your future child so there's no threat to the throne then Arthur will join his family."
"Never going to happen he will find me!"
"Will he now I sensed you guys are having some love issues."
"What do you mean."
"Well he doesn't love you in that way does he."
"What do you mean he doesn't love me I'm carrying his child!"
"True but that doesn't mean anything does it!" I looked at her blankly. I didn't say anything she was right. Arthur had been so distant he didn't even ask me
How I was or the baby, maybe he knew the truth. "I guess by the silence that I have hit a nerve."
She said while laughing. I turned my head and said kill me. She laughed and walked off. "Not yet I have something special for you." Her dark eyes glistening in the small candle light.

(Merlin) A princesses heartWhere stories live. Discover now