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I lay on the soft, silk covers thinking what is love, how do you know you've felt it. I mean love everyone says you find your true love but first you go through little loves before the truest of true love but how do you know that you've felt love? Is it the butterflies in your stomach that flutter when he's nearby or the pounding of your heart when he smiles or he notices you, is it the sweating and the shaking when he touches or even whispers sweet nothings in your ear. Love is a mother's love for their family they nurture their young protect their young from any danger they would even put their own life at risk for their family. That is love: it's the mothers love. Love for your husband or wife that's the kind of love where you argue and fight, but you always end up snuggled in each other's arms protecting each other from harm. Husband and wife love are a bond that shouldn't be broken. Love that you have for your friends is love where you tell them your biggest secrets and being there for each other making sure their hearts don't get broken by a man or a woman. which love is the truest of them all?

'Knock, Knock'
"Come in!"
"Rosemary?" I sat up to find Merlin standing all wet. My heart pounded in my chest the butterflies flew around singing at the sight of him. His clothes hung tightly to his muscular body. His hair dripped of water that splashed to the floor. "Rosemary hello earth to Rosemary!"
"Sorry I forgot you was there for a second, do you need something?" I asked pulling my eyes off him and rubbing my arm nervously.
"To tell you a water dragon just attacked the kingdom we need to get you and the baby to safety!"
"Water dragon didn't think dragons existed apart from yours."
"Well since Uther died every creature we thought was no more have reappeared."
"Well I'm staying and fighting!"
"Actually no you are not." A voice said from the door way. I looked up to see a drenched, blonde haired, muscular Arthur standing and twiddling with his sword. "Arthur please I'm fed up of been treated like a spoilt, useless princess because I really am not!"
"I know you are not but still you are not fighting not in your condition!" With that he stormed off. "What's rattled his cage." I joked.
"The dragon." Merlin said and rolled his eyes.
"Well don't see you panicking considering I'm carrying your baby not his."
"Rosemary I'm going to say that is hormones because that was out of order!" He stormed off, I laughed as his shoes made squelching noise across the wooden floors.

I slammed my body back into my
Cosy bed and snuggled up to my pillow. My thoughts straight away went back to love. Why didn't I feel the butterflies or my heart pounding when Arthur came into my room? I did with Merlin. Is this a sign of who my heart truly belongs too. I signed rolling further into the silk covers.

I went down into the hall where Arthur was making commends to his Knights. I snuck into the back. I watched as he stood high and proud of his Knights. I watched his Knights stand proud to be a knight of Camelot. Sir Leon nodded in agreement what should be done I couldn't make out what was said I was daydreaming. "Rosemary what are doing in here?" Gawain asked.
"I came to see where I was going because apparently, I don't get to fight."
"If it was my way then you could."
"Thank you Gawain."
"Welcome m'lady." He walked off towards Arthur who didn't look to please to see that I was standing in the hall. I was wearing a light blue dress made from soft silk. I watched Arthur stare at me for five minutes his eyes never leaving me. He looked at me like I was his most precious possession. It sent shivers down my back there was some love in his eyes towards me but more of the love you would have for your sister not future wife. It wasn't the love I saw in Merlin's eyes. "Rosemary what are doing here?" He nagged.
"I came to see you."
"Why is the baby fine?"
"Yes I came to ask where I am going for safety?"
"You will be leaving with Gaius to the village of Ealdor."
"Isn't that where Merlin came from?"
"Yes glad you asked that you will be staying with his mother." I stood there trying not to look shocked or nervous in any way. "You will be leaving now you should maybe change into your hunting clothes." I nodded and walked off.

Back in my room I could feel a lump in my throat. I tried to push back the tears. Ever since falling pregnant my emotions have been everywhere, I snapped and snarl at anything, I cried at anything over anything.

I get changed into my leather pants, my white top that has a cream over coat that had soft, fluffy fox fur round the edge, lastly, I put on my leather boots. I looked at myself in the mirror I notice that I had a little bump I smiled while holding my stomach. Different thoughts and emotions were swirling round in my head the biggest fear I felt was what if Merlin's mum knows I am pregnant and with her sons' baby. I started to sweat and shake nervously my heart beating faster and faster like it was going to race out of my chest to escape the feeling.

(Merlin) A princesses heartWhere stories live. Discover now