Morgana's revenge

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I went to my chambers to find Merlin sat there on my bed. "There you are where have you been!"
"In Arthur's room why?"
"Well you've been gone for a full night."
"Sorry didn't know I had to tell you everything."
"Well you don't but I thought you had been kidnapped or something but instead you've been with Arthur."
"We are to be married so why can't I be."
"Because you should be with me not him."
"Merlin we've been through this I have to marry Arthur we are joining our kingdoms together."
"I know but your father and his are friends isn't that enough." He said with tears in his eyes.
"I'm afraid not, Arthur needs a wife to be King."
"He's got Gwen." He stood up anger and pain on his face has he left my chambers, my heart fluttered with his pain. I cannot be with you Merlin it breaks my heart every day, but I need to do this for my father. I spoke to the closed door.

I decided to go for a walk in the village. Gwaine had to ascot me. There where loads of different stalls from fruit and vegetables to clothing. I stopped to talk to everyone they all seemed so nice. I stopped to at a silk scarf stall, where an old woman stood. She had messy grey hair her winkles stood out from a mile away, her hands shuck with every penny she took from a costumer, but she had the brightest smile on her face. "Hello your majesty." She said barely a whisper.
"Hello what's your name?"
" Adelaide."
"What a beautiful name." I gave her smile.
"It was my mothers, mothers name."
"Well it's a beautiful one, how much for the purple and pick scarf?"
"Thank you, for you my princess it's free."
"Thank you but I would like to pay you with something."
"You have m'lady with your kindness."
"Thank you so much it's a beautiful scarf." I smiled and waved goodbye to Adelaide.

"Think I'm fine here Gwaine."
"You sure you don't need me to walk you to your chambers." He said with a wink.
"No I am good thanks Gwaine I'm actually going to see Gaius."
"Well I can walk you there keep you company."
"Gwaine your cute but not interested sorry."
"That's what they all say."
"Bye." I waved and walked down the huge stone stairs that seemed to go on forever. "How
on earth does Gaius walk these every day.' 'Knock.' I waited for a voice nothing. "How odd." I thought to myself. I knocked again. "Come in an old, wise Croaky voice shouted. I opened the door and stood in the door way waiting for him to finish mixing some sort of portion. "Hi Gaius."
"Rosemary what can I help you with."
"I was wondering if I could talk to you about Merlin."
"Okay thank you."
"Please take a seat." I took a seat on a dusty, wooden chair. "Merlin what's he done."
"Nothing bad Gaius it's just that me and him got really close when I went to rescue my father, but the truth is, I told him we couldn't be together because of my betrothal. I really care for him."
"How close did you get."
"You know close like really close I've got this feeling like something is pulling us together, but I also have feelings for Arthur."
"My dear sounds like your heart is torn between two loves. Who have you gotten closer with more?"
"That's a personal question but both."
"Rosemary you're not even married yet!"
"I know! it just happened."
"Rosemary all I can say is that Merlin loves you more then he will say and Arthur he loves you but not as much as Gwen."
"I know but my kingdom I promised them."
"Listen to your heart it's telling you."
"Gaius my heart can't speak it only makes a beating sound. "I laughed.
"Rosemary I know it's just a saying." I laughed at my stupidity.

"Your back early Merlin."
"Yeah Arthur's gone to find Rosemary to take her out riding and a picnic which I made."
"Oh how come your not going?"
"Because Arthur's jealous."
"How do you know he's jealous."
"Can sense it in his voice."
"Can see why he's jealous though."
"Rosemary came to see me earlier."
"What did she want." He rolled his eyes.
"Well she was asking about you. "Gaius gave a smile and a nod.
"Why?" Merlin looking more interested.
"She was telling me how much she loves you over Arthur, but she also loves him, I told her she needs to listen to her heart which she laughed at."
"She would laugh at something like that." Merlin said with a bright smile on his face.
"What you are smiling for?"
"Because there's hope yet Gaius." I know I shouldn't have been listening but when I saw him
I had to follow.

(Merlin) A princesses heartWhere stories live. Discover now