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I stormed off to my chambers, slamming the big brown doors as hard as I could, I was hurt and confused. 'Knock, Knock'
"Who is it!" I yelled.
"Arthur." He said nervously.
"You just going to stand there all day!" I screamed. I stormed over to the door and swung it open my hair flew to the side. "What do you want? I won't ask again!"
"I just wanted to know if you're okay and if you're coming down for dinner?" He said while peeling a bit of loose cotton.
"I won't be joining. do I look okay or sound okay?" Sarcasm clear as day rang through my voice. Arthur stood back, twisted on he's heels and left while grunting to himself. I slammed the door stomped my feet across the room to sit at the window. My father always said I was like my mother in my mannerisms I was too strong headed and stubborn, I liked how he would talk about her it kept her alive.

My legs walked faster and faster the angrier I got. Waving my hand in the air making the guards fall to the floor: gentle snores blow out of their mouths. The door swung open leaving a Big Bang behind. "Arthur..." Before I could finish my words. "Rosemary I see you have come to join us after all."
"No I came to yell and shout actually!" I gave him the Death Stare.
"Can we eat first don't want you starving."
"Fine." I said while plonking my bum on my seat. I look up at him giving him a quick force smile. "Rosemary what do you plan on doing to rescue your father?"
" I thought about getting on my horse and riding to Morgana and demanding she give me my father back." I huffed.
"Sounds good apart from you are not going." He said sharply.
"Excuse me!" I stabbed a fork into the table. I pushed my chair back with so much force it slid across the room like ice.

Walking up and down my chambers waiting for the right moment to leave, need to save him. 'Knock, Knock' "Who is it?" I called.
"It's Arthur."
"I don't want to talk to you!"
"It's too late I'm in the room."
"Well get out!"
"Sorry not happening."
"What do you want." I said while rolling my eyes.
"To tell you me and my knights will be setting off at first light."
"Hope you have a safe journey oh and you best tell Guinevere." I said with a smile and a wink.
"Don't know what you mean?"
"You know too well what I mean." With that I was literally pushing him out the room. I listen to make sure everyone was asleep. I put on my hunting trousers and cloak.

'Crunch!' I spin round my heart racing. "Rosemary what are you doing?"
" It's only you Merlin."
"You are lucky it's only me."
" ha-ha true what you are doing here?"
"Telling you not to go."
"You can't stop me, she's got my father."
" I know but your hearts in the way."
" What do you mean my hearts in the way!" I snapped.
"You're running off emotions, you don't have a clear mind.
"Merlin!" My eyes flashed gold, Merlin flew high up into the sky flying miles and miles out of view. I watched him disappear. I climbed onto my beautiful horse and rode off into the moonlight determined to get my father back from the clutches of evil.

(Merlin) A princesses heartWhere stories live. Discover now